Part 29: Future Plans and Grand Slams

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"I'm just saying, I think that we need to move forward on this." Max has been on the phone for the last half hour, chatting with God knows who, about God knows what.

Yesterday was both a bust(ed arm) and a joy all at the same time.

"No. No. No- Carol....will you just listen to what...okay...well No. No!" I've never heard him is no so many times in one sitting.

Stirring my coffee at his island counter, I've been counting his paces from one end of the living room to the other since he got on this phone call and so far, he's up to 347 back and forth loops and 84 Nos.

A record...for someone at least.

"Alright, well if we can't see eye to eye on this then I'll just have! In what world is that a, Carol! I'm begging you to just come down and hear me...." He pulls the phone from his face and I can vaguely hear the lady on the other end screaming at him and I can't help but snicker slightly as I sip my coffee and he hangs up the phone.

"Well...that was quite the marathon." I joke and he sighs heavily and comes over to me- wrapping his body around me from the back and gently kissing me across my shoulders and neck.

"That woman is going to be the death of me..."

"That bad, eh?"

"Carol Bursert is the head of Giving Hands Foundation and she is insisting that New Amsterdam sponser some sort of unhealthy company and push their products because if we do- we will be gifted a quarter of a million dollars every four months. Now- though Karen Brantley is pushing for this..."

"Phhhh of course."

"I can't sit back and let an unhealthy distributor of chemical garbage pour itself into our hospital and be bought by hundreds of people who are tired, hungry and dealing with stress." Turning in his arms, I wrap an arm around his neck while rubbing up and down his side with the other one.

"Well...good job standing your ground. I'm proud of you." I kiss his lips and he sighs after a few moments.

"Standing my ground—she and Karen are still going through with it. She wouldn't budge. So...I'm going to need to get crafty on shutting this thing down."

"Dear Lord...why don't you just add a counter sponsor."


"You know- get help from a donator who deals in healthy foods and bring them in- let Karen Brantley see which has the better outcome. I'm sure if given the option the majority of people now a days will go with the healthy option. Federico's on Tenth just put out an alert that they are working with the Yankees this year and received quite a load of money they can give to the community...why not talk to them."

"You're a genius. A beautiful goddess that I am not worthy of." He plasters my face with kisses and his hands move up and down my sides- tickling me slightly so I squeak and squeal like a child as I giggle.

"Haha...stoooop...." He does and his smile is so wide on his face. My insides stir and I heat up against him. "Let's skip work today..."

"Helen, we both have meetings and patients to see and..." I look at him with big brown eyes of literal pout and drop my bottom lip just enough to add to the overall picture of innocence and want. "You are very adorable you know that..."

I begin to remove my blazer and he catches me off guard.

"But we're still going into work."

"Ughhhh!!!" Pulling it back on, I turn from him and sip my coffee- irritated that we have to do our due diligence by doing our jobs.

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