01: the beginning

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a blonde boy sneakily exits the train cabin, quietly laughing to himself while he disappears in a sea of students lining up for snacks provided by the trolley witch.

he rubs his hands gleefully, a twinkling glint in his eyes as he watches, from a (safe) corner, the catastrophe that had unfolded.

a girl in one of the cabins had been shrieking at an opera-worthy pitch as beads of tears ran down her chubby cheeks.

apparently, adhesive had been applied on her cabin seat, hence the clueless girl, who unknowingly sat down when she came back from the restroom, received the shock of her life when she was unable to get up from her seat. furthermore, spiders had been scurrying around the cabin to keep the girl company.

i guess she isn't very fond of spiders.

these were the exact thoughts of mastermind nishimura riki.

in his defense, all he wanted was just some fun.

it was a pity the girl was all alone.

the students on the train took notice of the ruckus and gathered together to peek into the girl's cabin. meanwhile however, nishimura riki decided to quietly head back to his own cabin.


notorious for constantly pulling pranks on students in hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, riki has built up a rather impressive reputation.

despite his playful misconduct, he has been able to top the cohort for 6 years consecutively. only one other individual has come close- this year's head girl, umi suzuki. a brainy ravenclaw, and goody-two-shoes in nature, she often pissed off riki.

just like that, another lightbulb lit up in riki's mind.

this year, his goal was to piss off umi.


riki fantasised about the numerous pranks he could pull on umi as he stared out of the window that offered a view of lush greenery, slowly drifting into dreamland while the hogwarts express continued on its journey to the hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

a year like no other was ahead for class clown nishimura riki.


on the other end of the train in a small cabin, housed the head girl.

umi suzuki was the embodiment of beauty and brains.
coupled with her hardworking nature, she had an aura of elegance around her, putting on an aloof and composed front for everyone.

her silky black hair was tied into a neat bun, with absolutely no strands sticking out, as she pored over her books in the cabin.

a woman that cherishes time, she stuck to her morning schedule of looking through her books that would be used for lessons this year.

she merely wanted to be prepared for lessons beforehand.

the other girls in her cabin chose to gossip, every once in a while glancing at umi in disdain for being so caught up in her studies when the school year has not even begun, especially for her choice to study in a train cabin.

umi had no choice.

after all, this was her life that she destined herself to.

to be strict with herself. uphold herself to the highest standards. to...be perfect.

most importantly, this was her last year as a student. she didn't want to leave the school with no regrets.

she just needed to beat nishimura riki. that...monster who stole her number 1 position.

however, she never knew the year would have ended up so much more differently from what she had expected.
author's note!

heyoo first chapter's out!!! i hope yall are excited as much as i am for how the book will unfold!

edit 8/1/24: adding wands as a dinkus 🙏 sorry for potentially fooling yall into thinking i updated 😭

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