"Nonsense, I just gave you the tools you needed," Lupin responded humbly, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his tired eyes.

"We have a room for you upstairs, the first door on the left. Hermione and Ron should be up there," Lupin informed Oliver.

"Wait, Hermione is up there?" Oliver's shock was palpable.

"Oh yeah, she'd love to see you. Hasn't stopped talking about you since she got here," Lupin revealed with a knowing smile, his words brushing against Oliver's heart like a soft breeze.

"Oh yeah, I bet," Oliver muttered under his breath, the bitterness seeping into his tone.

Oliver made his way upstairs and cautiously entered the room. As soon as he stepped inside, Hermione's eyes lit up with recognition, and she hurled herself at him, engulfing him in a tight embrace that left him gasping for breath.

"OLIVER! How are you? Are you all right? Are you furious with us? I bet you have been. Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't contact you over the summer. We've got so much to tell you, and you've got to tell us about the dementors! I've heard about the Ministry hearing, and it's outrageous! I looked it up, and they can't expel you, Oliver. They just can't!"

"Let him breathe, Hermione," Ron advised, his voice tinged with gentle amusement as he closed the door behind Oliver, creating a brief respite from the commotion outside.

"Good to see you, mate," Ron greeted Oliver enthusiastically, engulfing him in a warm embrace that exuded the familiarity of brotherhood.

As the embrace ended, Oliver stood still, his gaze shifting uneasily between Hermione and Ron. The anticipated warmth he thought would engulf him upon seeing Hermione again tugged at his heart, but instead, he was met with an unsettling coldness that settled in the pit of his stomach.

Lost in his conflicted thoughts, Oliver felt a sudden surge of guilt wash over him. For months, he had longed to reunite with Hermione, eager to be in her presence once more. But now, faced with the reality of their reunion, he couldn't help but wish for solitude instead.

Sensing Oliver's apprehension, Hermione spoke softly, her voice filled with compassion. "Dumbledore thought it was best," she explained, hoping to convey the reasons behind the decisions that had left Oliver feeling abandoned.

Oliver remained silent, his eyes locked in an icy stare directed at Hermione. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over their reunion.

"I think he thought you'd be safest with the Muggles," Ron interjected, attempting to ease the tension and provide an alternative perspective. His words were well-intentioned, a gesture of peace in the face of Oliver's cold demeanor.

Oliver turned away from them, his back now facing them. The distance between them seemed to grow with each passing moment, the silence deafening.

"P-Please say something, Oliver," Hermione pleaded, her voice quivering with emotion. Her body trembled as she tried to hold back tears, her vulnerability laid bare.

"He thought I'd be safe, huh? Have any of you been attacked by a dementor this summer?"

"Well... No, but that's why he had people from the Order of the Phoenix tailing you," Ron explained, his words filled with sympathy for Oliver's painful experiences.

Oliver's face fell even further, a veil of betrayal descending upon him. The weight of his isolation grew heavier with the realization that everyone knew he was being watched, save for himself.

"Right... And look how that turned out. I had to take care of myself," Oliver said, bitterness lacing his every word.

Ron and Hermione fell silent, their eyes shifting uncomfortably under Oliver's piercing gaze.

"Any particular reason Dumbledore wanted you to cut contact with me and keep everything from me?" Oliver's voice was tinged with a mix of confusion and resentment, his heartache evident in his questioning.

"He didn't say," Hermione responded, her voice laced with regret. "We've only seen him twice since we got here. Dumbledore has been...distant, even with us."

Oliver's frustration remained unabated as he digested Hermione's words. The bitter taste of exclusion lingered, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal creeping back in.

"So why do you two get to know everything that's going on, but I get left in the dark?" Oliver's voice echoed with discontent, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface.

"We don't! Mum doesn't let us go to any of the meetings, but-" Ron trailed off as Oliver abruptly cut him off, his anger exploding.


"AND DON'T FORGET, I WITNESSED HIM COME BACK TO LIFE! I FOUGHT VALIANTLY AGAINST HIM, RISKING MY OWN LIFE, AND TRAGICALLY LOST MY BROTHER IN THE PROCESS!"  Oliver's voice trembled with raw emotion as he continued to pour out his frustrations.

Ron stood there, stunned and at a loss for words. The weight of Oliver's pain and sacrifice was dawning on him, overshadowing any trivial disagreements they had.

Hermione, her tears flowing freely, felt a deep ache in her chest. The reality of Oliver's suffering crashed down on her, making her regret every moment she had unintentionally overlooked his experiences.

Oliver's voice cracked as he spoke again, ""BUT WHY WAS I KEPT IN THE DARK, HUH? WHY WAS I LEFT OUT? IT MAKES NO SENSE!"

"Oliver..." Hermione's voice trembled, barely above a whisper. "We really wanted to tell you."

Oliver's anger still burned, but Hermione's vulnerable admission softened his stance slightly. "Must not have wanted to that much, huh? I bet you guys were having a real laugh all holed up together, huh?"

Oliver sat on a nearby bed, covering his face with his hands. "What is this place anyway?"

"Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix," Ron replied.

Oliver's voice trembled with frustration. "And does somebody care to tell me what the hell that is?"

Hermione responded quickly, her tone slightly breathless. "It's a secret society that Dumbledore founded. They fight against... well, you-know-who."

Oliver's patience was wearing thin. "And?"

Hermione and Ron exchanged perplexed glances, bewildered by Oliver's persistent questioning. "And what?" they asked in unison.

"Voldemort!" Oliver exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. "What's happening? What's he up to? Where is he? What are we doing to stop him?"

"We told you they don't let us in the meetings," Ron said.

Oliver sighed in frustration as he got up from the bed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. "Just great," he muttered.

The Order Of The Phoenix - Hermione Granger x OC Where stories live. Discover now