Once Upon A December |f.z|

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She's a simple woman, classy, I love that about her. "You can set them here" she calls my attention and I look to see a counter filled with baked goods. "Oh god... you already have so many! Geez I feel silly having brought these now" I bite my lip nervously as I glance between her and the treats. "Don't worry. It'd do me good to taste someone else's baking" she giggles and I groan funnily.

"It's probably nowhere near as good as yours" I warn her, "but you made it. You put time and... effort into it. I like to think baking is sort of a labor of love in a sense and so... well—I appreciate it—is what I'm trying and failing miserably to say" she chuckles as her gaze falls from mine and I must say it sends tingles through me. Watching her cheeks tinge pink makes me feel something I've never felt before.

I place the cookies down and look around to distract myself from the fallen silence, noticing pans neatly stacked to dry. "I... well I actually made a lot so I could share..." she whispers and I turn to see her gazing at me hopefully. "You made me cookies?" I tease her, suddenly finding a bit of confidence. "Uhh not exactly..." she mumbles, glancing to her fingers that she lightly pulls at.

"Oh?" I prompt, feeling a bit disappointed but trying to hide it though I'm sure she sensed it by the way her eyes widen slightly. "No, no, I didn't mean it that way! It's that umm... I didn't—know what you liked so I made, well, everything?" She grimaces a bit in embarrassment but I think it's the cutest thing.

"Well I feel... inadequate" I giggle to relieve the tension and she shakes her head, softly biting her lip. "Don't. Anything you could give me would be enough" her voice gets softer as she speaks, as though she realized halfway that what was to come out of her mouth should've been mulled over longer. Except, she couldn't take it back—nor did I want her to.

"That's good to know" I reply softly and she smiles, her posture straightening a bit. "Would you like to maybe... watch a movie with me? Since you're here and alone—not that you don't have better things to do or anything, I just-" "there's no place I'd rather be" I assure her and she smiles widely. I stare at her with so much adoration that I'm sure there's cartoon hearts in my eyes.

She grabs a platter and places an array of treats on it, also grabbing milk and water. I help her carry them over to the living room where she turns on the tv and momentarily leaves me to pick a movie. Even with her no longer in the room, she fills my every thought and I can hardly focus with her on my mind. Any time she invades my thoughts, I give her all my attention.

How can I deny such a pretty sight gracing my usually dull head? She soon returns with a big blanket and glances at the tv, then to me with a confused smile. "Couldn't find anything?" She asks, sitting down and curling up her legs while extending one end of the blanket to me. "I haven't looked, actually. I wanted to wait so we could maybe pick one together" I confess which luckily makes her smile.

We end up choosing 'Anastasia' which isn't really a classic Christmas movie but it's beautiful nonetheless. I thought she might be opposed since it's technically a cartoon for children but turns out it's one of her favorites. You're on a roll, Mer, my god! The opening music plays and I take a bite of a muffin she made, humming in delight as the spices marinate on my tongue.

I'm now sure there's nothing this wonderful woman can't do. One of my favorite songs in the entire film comes up and I can't help but hum along. I lose myself in the animation, watching as the redhead dances around the ballroom and unknowingly start to sing with her.

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

I start to hear humming which makes me realize my little slip and I glance to see Florence watching me with a sparkle in her eyes. "What?" I whisper, "nothing... you have a beautiful voice, is all" she echos in the same tone. "Thank you" I reply, slowly reaching for the nape of my neck to give me a reason for averting my eyes from hers.

She scoots closer to me and I try not to move, in fact, I think I stop breathing. "Are you ok?" Her tone is low and slightly raspy, instantly heating me up to the point where the blanket thrown across us is no longer necessary. "Mhm" I hum and when she shifts again, minutes later, I take the initiative to lean onto her.

She wraps her arms around me and I no longer hesitate to snuggle closer. By the end of the film, I'm practically on her lap and half-asleep. And just as I'm about to move I hear her begin to hum, words soon flowing from her mouth that seem like muscle memory. I presume she believes me to be sleeping so I stay in my spot, allowing her voice to serenade me.

Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back
Now that we're here...

People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear

Her voice is so beautiful! I can't help but smile softly and try to contain it so I don't give myself away. God forbid she notices and stops singing... I may never hear this again.

Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong

Home? She can't mean—what if she really does feel the same way? I mean, yes there's been incredible advances thus far but I never imagined she could feel more. She's friendly and nurturing so this has all been cherished of course, yet I thought maybe she's just this way with all those are cares about. Even the thought that she cares for me makes me feel all fuzzy though.

It doesn't take much contemplation for me to lift my head and she stops immediately. Her eyes fill with a soft panic and she holds her breath. I notice her eyes are a bit glossy and my own soon reflect them.

"Who knows where this road may go" I whisper as I keep my eyes locked on hers."On to find my future" I continue, prompting her gently to join me. "Things my heart still needs to know..." it's barely a breath that leaves her lips but it makes me crack a smile.

Yes, let this be a sign
Let this road be mine

We both pause, our faces only being a few inches apart at this point.

And bring me home at last

As the note comes to an end, our breaths are almost one. I feel intoxicated by simply knowing I'm breathing her air. Her hand caresses my cheek and her lips brush my own. I lean into her touch, my hands resting on her shoulders as the kiss deepens. My back is eased onto the couch and she pulls back for breath, hovering over me.

I smile at her and she does the same, both of us panting. She shudders as my hands roam her waist until I find her hips, pulling her closer to me. Just as I'm about to pull her down, the grandfather clock dings loudly—signaling midnight. It effectively scares us both and we jump a little. "Merry Christmas" she whispers with an adorable smile and I just pull her in, not being able to bring proper expression of my affection with words alone.

A December to RememberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora