Day 4

20 4 13


Three days ago, he was completely fine. But this morning, everything seemed amplified.

The sound of his alarm irritated him more than usual. The sleep that fogged his mind took so much longer to leave. And the sunlight pouring through the window seemed like a relentless assault on his eyes.

Wooyoung groaned, burying his face into his pillow, attempting to block the sound waves emitting from the alarm clock on his bedside table.

To make matters worse, the covers were suddenly pulled off of him, exposing his bare back to the unnecessarily cool air of the room. Eyes still closed, he lifted his head from the pillow, blindly reaching out to pull the covers back over him.

Letting out another frustrated grunt, he rolled over onto his back, his brown eyes opening into narrow slits as he adjusted to the bright light pouring in from the window. Which, to his dismay, had not been constricted by the blackout curtains he had bought. Due to the fact that they had been cruelly pulled open.

"Wooyoung. I swear. If you're not going to wake up for your own alarm, don't bloody set it. Waking up the whole damn dorm with your jarring alarm tune." His very much annoyed roommate grumbled as he went to turn off the alarm himself.

Wooyoung sat up only to grab the edge of the blanket that had been taken off of him and pulled it back over his exposed torso; settling back into the warmth of his bed.

"Leave me alone, Jongho. I'm going through something right now."

The younger boy let out a sigh, running a hand through his tousled red locks. He caught a glimpse of the date on his roommate's lock screen.

"Oh..." Jongho eyed Wooyoung who had once again closed his eyes and was attempting to fall asleep. "Wooyoung, it's been a couple of years..."

"Shut up, Jongho."

Jongho sat down on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.

"I'm just saying, Woo. It's been a while. She hasn't even replied to your texts since you both graduated high school. Why do you keep getting worked up over her when she's likely not even thinking about you?"

The blond cracked open one eye to look at his roommate.

"Jongho. Watch what — "

Jongho quickly cut him off, "No. Not this time, Wooyoung. I'm saying this because I'm your friend. It's not healthy for you to keep wallowing in your own misery when she's probably out there, enjoying herself and not sparing you a second thought."

His words may have been harsh but Wooyoung knew they were true. And maybe it was because he knew that whatever his younger roommate said had made sense, that his guard immediately went up; instinctively on the defensive.

Wooyoung's gaze shot daggers at Jongho, a mix of irritation and frustration evident in his eyes. He sat up abruptly, pushing the blanket away and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"Jongho, seriously, I don't need a lecture right now. I'm perfectly capable of handling my own emotions."

Jongho leaned back, raising his hands in a defensive gesture. "Alright, alright. I get it. Just saying, you should move on. There are plenty of other girls out there."

Wooyoung huffed, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. "Easy for you to say. You've never been in love."

Jongho rolled his eyes, "Love? We're talking about high school crushes here, not some grand love story."

The blond shot him another steely glare, "It wasn't just a crush, Jongho. It was a lot more than that."

The younger shook his head in response, "Well, whatever it is, it's been two years. Maybe it's time to focus on the present, not some distant past."

Wooyoung didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed his towel and headed towards the shared bathroom. Jongho's words echoed in his mind, but he pushed them away, not willing to confront the truth.

The warm water of the shower did little to ease his internal turmoil. He couldn't shake off the memories, the lingering thoughts of her, the way her laughter had filled the high school corridors.

And how much her looks resembled Hana.


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