"Well maybe we can go buy you a cake and grab some food after Bam show the world he's the best 10 year-old baseball player." Brian said.

"I'm cool with that." I got up. "I'll be back." Getting up, I made my way over to Royalty, Jade, Emery and Chris.

"Mommy!" Jade yelled making Emery's head turn in my direction so fast.

"MOMMY!" He screamed while squirming out of Chris's arms and rushing over to me. He's a true mama's boy.

"Hi my babies." Scooping them in my arms I gave them both a million kisses. "I've missed you so much!"

"Happy Birthday." Jade said.

"Thank you honey."

"Happy Birthday." Emery repeated.

"Thank you Em." I carried them back down to their dad.

"Happy Birthday Mya!" Royalty said while getting up from her seat and pulled me into a hug. I've missed my oldest baby too. I feel like we don't spend as much time together as we used to. I gotta plan something immediately because this isn't like us.

"Thank you." I hugged her tightly because something in me said she needed it. "Can you come spend the weekend with me? We can have girl time."

"Yes, a million times yes."

"Perfect." I ran my hands over her short curly bob before kissing her cheek. Looking over, my eyes connected with Chris. He held a small smile on his face. "Wassup stranger." I sat next to him.

He laughed while leaning back, placing his hands on the bleacher behind us. "I'm a stranger? You see me all the time."

"Picking up the kids and that's it."

"Mm, how are you?"

"I'm good and you?"


I stared at his face. Something was different about him but I'm not sure what it is. Grabbing his chin I made him look at me. "You look different."

"How?" He laughed.

"I don't know but something changed. You did something."

"What like plastic surgery?"

"I don't know. Your nose is the same, eyes the same. You got a little weight on your face which I love but still something is wrong."

"You tripping." He laughed again and when I saw what I saw, I dramatically gasped and scooted away from him. "What?!"

"Chris! Where the fuck are your teeth?!"

"In my mouth crazy!"

"No! These aren't the perfectly imperfect teeth that I love. Why would you do this to me?!"

"Do this to you? Nigga this my mouth."

"I don't care. Why would you go change your teeth?"

"It was time Mya."

"It wasn't time. There was nothing wrong with your teeth. Oh my goodness my heart is broken. Why would you give me such devastating news on my birthday? Now my day is ruined."

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