the fight begins

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"Breakfast ya'll," Eda was making, making pancakes for everyone. "PANCAKES" all the kids woke up and ran to the table, "Why do they have so much freaking energy? IT'S 7AM" lilith was not happy. "Hey, miss grumpyhead," Eda chucked a bit as Lilith's hair stood up straight. "EDA LYN IT'S EARLY" Lilith was very grumpy, understandable, sinds her anger issues only get worse when she's on her period. "Lily chill, I know, but we've got a lot to do," Eda ate her pancakes, " you think everything will be okay?" Luz had finished her pancakes and was really worried. "Everything will be okay. We have the upper hand after all," Eda hugged her. "Edalyn, what if" Lilith looked a bit worried as she knew how dangerous Belos could be. "Lily, let's not think about it. Hey, if you'd rather not come this close to him again, I understand"
Lilith shook her head. "I'll be fine." A few hours later, before they left Eda took Luz and King aside, "Kids, you know Belos has a portal, right?" They nod. "If anything goes wrong, you run okay to the human realm no looking back, promise me" Eda got strict with them for the first time in a long time making Luz and King understand just how serious she was. "We understand." They hugged her tightly, "we promise. " Lilith and Raine came to get Eda "Eda it's time." Luz and King went with Amity, Willow, and Gus to get Emira and Edric because they need the help. When they come to Blight residence, Ed and Em immediately pick up Amity "mittens," Amity started to tear up as she heard her siblings voices "guys i'm so happy to see you." Luz picked up King as she walked over to them. "Ed Em, we need your help, Belos is planning something, and we have to stop him. "Is that... true," Edric stumbled as he went to hug Luz. "it is," Odalia  said as Alador and she came to see them, "y-y-you knew... HOW COULD YOU" Alidor was really angry with Odalia. "YOU HELPED HIM GEEZ," Alidor destroyed through abominations as Amity and the twins attacked Odalia. "THIS TO GEEZ WOMMAN YOUR THE WORSE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D DO SOMTHING LIKE THIS ASWELL...actually I can if anyone would it'd be you" Emira broke down from all the pressure she's been feeling all her life portecting Edric and Amity keeping then fed holding Amity after she lost Willow making sure Edric got to the healing coven. "Emira, it's okay. Don't worry, we got your back," Edric said as he wiped away her tears "but...but she," Amity hit Odalia "she did it to everyone she managed to get to the top and lied, she's amazing at being annoying" Amity screamed. "Amity, we have to go. The day of unity is about to start," Luz tried to pull Amity and the twins away from Odalia. "You'll need a pilot," Alidor flew the blimp to the day of Unity. "Alidor..." Luz sounded a little scared."Yes, Luz," "i'm scared. What if anything goes wrong?" Alidor looked at the blimb they just stole from Kiki "Luz it will be okay. i promise," When Eda and Raine got to the day of Unity Eda, Eda used a stone to look like Raine and went to stand with he other. "Sis, be careful." Lilith was really worried about her little sister. A few moments later, Terra snapdragon grabbed Eda, "LET ME GO." Eda screamed as Lilith ran to her."LILITH" Raine tried to stop her, but it was too late. The draing spell jas began, and Eda was covered in black magic from her curse, which was trying to mess with the draining spell. "Eda" lilith grabbed her sister from Terra and held her. "Eda, wake up, Eda, please." Lilith started crying, "RAINE RAINE. " she held Eda's lifeless body as she kept calling out to Raine.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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