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(I had no idea what to name this chapter so like, this is a good chapter name right?)


When I awoke, I thought I was going to be in a chair. Tied up or something. Instead I awoke in a comfy bed with will sleeping on the floor. It seemed originally he was watching me and sitting because his hands were formed as a pillow and he was kneeling on the ground.

I had a slight headache and felt tired. Where even was I? Crazy bat dressed suit guy abducted me or something. I yawned and stretched. 

"Will?" I asked. im not sure if I wanted to wake him up.  He contiuned to sleep so I just got up and exited the room.

Outside I could hear slapping and thrashing.. "DAMIAN! YOU FERAL LITTLE DEMON! HOW COULD YOUUUU." Somebody said. i could hear someone slapping...so like .are they abusing children here?

I went where I heard this and A boy with black hair had his head in a headlock. With someone wth black hair and a w hite streak in his hair holding him in that headlock. Damian, im guessing the one in the headlock was slapping the other boy to let go of him and thrashing around.

Oh. So they weren't abusing children here. Damian seemed to notice and stopped slapping and thrashing instead pointed it out to the other boy. 

I stared silently at them both. The boy with the black hair and white streak waved. "Hello." He said to me and let Damian out of the headlock.

"Eh...hi? Where am I?" I asked

(I'm sorry I have no motivation at all right now so it's really short- enjoy the cliffhanger >:D)

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