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Cassidy wakes up with a groan, the bright sun beaming in through her window hurting her eyes and head, she turns away from the window and sees an aspirin and a cup of water, she takes the aspirin and chugs the water with it, she stands, her legs shaking lightly. She walks downstairs, the sound of, who she assumed to be Billy, Ace, Charlie, and James, hurting her head. As Cassidy walks downstairs she groans and the group of teenagers look at her, Billy on the couch with a cup of coffee, Ace in the kitchen taking ibuprofen with some milk, Charlie sitting next to Billy awkwardly for some reason, and James sitting on the small recliner, talking to Charlie. Cassidy walks to Ace, hugging him and sighing, Ace rubs her back soothingly before the pair join the rest of the group.

"Could y'all be any louder?" Billy says, snapping his head towards the other people in the room and squinting, they all begin chuckling lightly at his face, Billy joining in.

After a moment of the group laughing Ace moves in front of Charlie, "Scoot over asshole." He says, Charlie moves to the end of the couch, away from Billy, and Ace sits next to Billy, who is pouting like a baby, Cassidy sits in between Billy and Ace. "What's with you and Charlie?" Cassidy asks Billy, only loud enough for him and Cassidy to hear, "Don't fuckin' know, Charlie just been acting weird 'round me." Billy mumbles back. "Well did you say something to him last night?" She asks in response.

"I can't remember, I was fuckin' shitfaced, you gotta ask Charlie." He says. Cassidy nods before leaning on Ace, him wrapping his arm around her. Cassidy drifts to sleep, the sound of Aces deep and husky voice soothing her, Ace rubs his hand up and down her arm slowly, calming her even more.

Charlie walks into the kitchen, searching for a glass for water, Billy comes into the kitchen moments later to make more coffee for the hungover teens and to talk to Charlie about why he's being so weird. The second Billy walks into the room Charlie tenses up and begins looking for a glass even quicker. "Why the hell you actin' so weird Charlie." Billy says after noticing Charlie moving quicker as to avoid Billy. Charlie hesitates before sighing, "it's what you said last night, man, it freaked me out." Charlie mumbles, Billy barely hearing him, "What did I say?.." The ravenette asks softly.

"You said you wished I was a girl.." He whispers, finally finding a cup, Billy's expression changes to confusion and embarrassment, he scoffs, "I wouldn't say no homo shit like that." He crosses his arms across his chest. "But you did." Charlie sighs.

Billy walks towards Charlie, backing him into the counter and grabbing his arm, "You better not tell no one about that, I mean it." He speaks. The two stare into each other's eyes, Charlie's breath hitches and they lean closer to each other, their lips almost touching.

"Hey, Billy is the coffee almost d- Woah." Cassidy says, her voice slightly scratchy from sleeping, she stops in her tracks, Billy and Charlie move from each other, Charlie with a faint pink tint to his cheeks. "Uh- I didn't see anything, bye." She says, quickly leaving, Billy saying something under his breath, probably a random swear.

Billy groans and leans against the counter, he knew Cassidy wouldn't tell anyone but still, he'd have to live with the embarrassment of knowing she knew. He sighs before turning to Charlie, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him towards himself, kissing him slowly. They pull away, both blushing. Charlie leaves after the kiss, not before getting his water that he almost forgot about, Billy following after him a few minutes later after making coffee.

"What took you homos so long?" Ace asks, chuckling as Cassidy slaps him on the chest lightly. "Oh shut up Ace." Charlie says, returning to his spot on the couch, him and Billy still blushing lightly, Ace chuckles again.


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