Cassidy sat on her bed, watching Dementia (A/N Dementia is a 1955 horror movie that I picked for her to watch because it sounded interesting) and eating popcorn that she had made moments before she started the movie, "Cassidy Fisher get your ass down here there's someone here lookin for you!" Cassidy's mother shouted from downstairs. She pauses the movie and happily walks downstairs when she gets to the bottom of the stairs she see Ace and her very annoyed mother.

Her mother walks away and Cassidy walks towards Ace, standing in front of him and smiling, Ace smirks. "What are you doing here?" Cassidy asks. "What? Am I not allowed to come see my girl?" Ace asks with a joking tone.

"Well of course you are but you could have called first. Come on" Cassidy says while starting to walk back towards the stairs, Ace following.

The two enter Cassidy's room and Ace sits on her bed, Cassidy's stands in between his legs and cups his face, "I missed you.." Ace chuckles. "Doll, you saw me yesterday." Ace says. Cassidy smiles and kisses Ace, Ace kisses her back and pulls her with him as he lays down, Cassidy straddles his waist. The two continue kissing, breaking apart to breathe a few times.

Cassidy breaks the kiss for air once more and smiles at Ace, Ace kisses her noses and Cassidy begins kissing him again, Cassidy quietly groans and as Ace slips his tongue into her mouth the door to Cassidy's room opens, "Hey Cass do you know where m- uh I'll come back later sorry." James says as he sees the two. Cassidy rolls off of Ace, landing on the bed next to him, her and Ace begin laughing once her brother leaves, slipping her hand into his.

The next hour the two spend their time finishing the movie that Cassidy was watching and kissing and or making out. Once the movie finished Cassidy got dressed into actual clothes and the two headed to Irby's to get a drink and hopefully see the rest of the cobras.

The two end up meeting Billy and Charlie at irby's, spending the afternoon playing billiards and drinking their weight in beer. After, Ace and Cassidy get a ride from Charlie, who unsurprisingly was the most sober and able to drive. Billy, Ace, and Cassidy sit in the back seat, giggling like little girls at some dirty comment Ace made about Charlie's mom, Charlie rolls his eyes at the drunk hoodlums in the back, he sighs before speaking, "Why do I always end up being the designated driver." He says, the drunken trio in the back begins laughing again, Charlie simply just sighs again.

The four arrive to Cassidy's house, the three, who knew they would get absolutely shit faced, had agreed to stay at Cassidy's house, as it was the closest to Irby's. The trio, still cackling, fumble into Cassidy's house, Cassidy being the first one to step- or fall into the house, she unlocks the door and opens it, falling as the door opens as it was holding her weight, Billy and Ace begin cackling louder, Billy practically crying from laughter. Charlie helps the three inside, dropping Billy onto the couch, him falling asleep instantly. he helps the couple upstairs and into Cassidy's room, the two basically clinging to each other and laughing, "Come on you guys, you gotta help me out here!" He whisper shouts, he pushes them onto her bed, Cassidy landing on Ace, the two scoot up on the bed, laying with Ace's arms around her. Charlie sighs before waking out of the room and bumping into someone.

"Shit, sorry." Charlie says after looking up and seeing who he guessed to be Cassidy's brother, "Might I ask what you are doing in my house?" He asks, Charlie chuckles softly. "Just bringing these drunk assholes back for you to deal with in the morning." He says, James nods slowly before walking back into his room and shutting the door.

Charlie walks back down stairs, about to leave the house until he hears Billy begin to stir and say a quiet 'Charlie..' He walks over to Billy and sits on the couch, near Billy's legs. "Yeah, Billy?" He asks the half asleep boy. "I wish you were a girl..." He mumbles, "What? What did you say?" He asks, his eyes widen in surprise and he gasps softly.

(A/n Tw for f slur, I'M GAY DON'T HATE ON ME)
It was no use though, Charlie heard the soft sounds of his snores, he stood up, the same expression still on his face as he walks out to his car and drives to his own house, confused on what Billy meant, he knew there was no way Billy meant it in that way, there was no way Billy Tessio, one of the most well known cobras was a fag, and he knew there was absolutely no way that Billy actually like someone like Charlie.

I'M SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG WATTPAD LITERALLY DELETED HALF OF WHAT I HAD BEFORE AND I WAS ALMOST DONE THEN I HAD TO WRITE IT ALL OVER AGAIN AGH. ALSOO I give you ✨-wait what would Charlie and Billy's ship name be... Hossio? Togan? Chilly? Barlie? Whatever- I give you ✨Billy x Charlie✨

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