James hadn't talked to Cassidy since their short fight the other night, he knew they would just hurt her and leave her the minute their done with her, of course Cassidy doesn't think this, cause its not true, she finally found friends that care about her and he doesn't approve.

Cassidy gets out of bed with a sigh and walks to her closet, she still has Aces shirt from the night before so she decides to wear that to school, or hell as she calls it, and a pair of ripped jeans. She walks down stairs and sees her brother, she rolls her eyes before walking to the door and getting her shoes on, "I'm gonna hangout with my friends after school, I won't be home." Cassidy says after she grabs her backpack.

James scoffs and mumbles 'okay' before getting back to what he was doing before she came down stairs.

Cassidy leaves the house and sees Aces car, with Ace and Eyeball in it of course, waiting in front of her house for Cassidy. Cassidy smiles and walks up to the car and gets in the front seat.

During their ride to school Cassidy tells them about what Julie and her brother said about them, she could see the anger on Aces face when she finished, Ace scoffed.

The trio gets to the school, sadly, non of them wanted to go. Ace gets out of the car and walks around to open Cassidys door. They walk into the school together, getting nasty looks and scoffs. Cassidy walks to her locker and Ace follows, Cassidy grabs the necessary books for her first class and then following Ace to his locker to grab his, ripped and abused book, and heading to the pairs first class together.

They bell rings and Cassidy and Ace stand up and gather their stuff, Cassidy has her second class with Vince, again she walks to her locker and grabs the necessary books before walking to social studies.

Social studies happens to be Vince and Cassidys least favorite subject, they find it boring and unimportant, so of course the whole class they spend their time chatting and not paying attention to anything the teacher has to say.

Vince and Cassidy had actually became quite good friend during their social studies class, once the bell rang she gave Vince a quick fist bump and went to her next class, Gym which she shared with Eyeball and Billy.

Gym was boring of course, running laps for no reason cause their very strict teacher is an asshole. But at least she got to see Ace in her next class, the rest of her classes she had non of the cobras in, so of course they would be boring and very very vvvveeerrryyy long.

The teacher dismisses the class after the bell rings and Cassidy happily walks to english with Ace, who met her out side of her class. Ace never really pays attention in school, but he surprisingly gets decent grades.

After her last class with Ace she leaves the class and heads to her locker Julie walks up to her, "I see your still hanging around the Cobras." She says then scoffs. "Yep that's normally what friends do, hang around each other." Cassidy replies.

"I'm just fucking warning you Cass, just cause we aren't friends anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you, they are just going to leave you!" She says. Before Cassidy can speak Ace walks up to the girls, "Whos this?" Ace asks, gesturing to Julie. "Nobody, let's go." Cassidy says before walking past Julie, purposefully bumping her shoulder against hers. Ace walks Cassidy to her next class before leaving to go to his, Cassidy walks into the class and goes to her seat, "Miss Fisher, your late." The teacher, Mrs. Sim says. "Yeah, sorry." Cassidy says in response.

After Cassidy sits down the teacher continues to explain some stupid shit about math. Finally her last class of the day ends and she begins to walk out of the class before the teacher stops her and waits for the rest of the class to leave. "Miss Fisher, I need to talk to you about something." He says, Cassidy just nods, "I've noticed recently that your grades have been dropping... Is there any new distractions in your life that may be causing this?" Cassidy just shakes her head no and mumbles 'No sir'. "Okay then.. You may leave now."

Cassidy quickly leaves the classroom and walks to her locker and grabs her stuff before walking out of the school and going to Aces car and getting in the front seat.

They get to where the rest of the Cobras are and sit on the bed of a random truck, Ace with his arm over Cassidys shoulder. After a while of drinking beer and chatting about random shit, Cassidy asks a question randomly, "Can I get the tattoo?" The Cobras all look at her, waiting for Ace to answer her.

"Well, I mean if you want, wouldn't your brother get pissed?" Ace says. Cassidy scoffs before speaking, "My brother does not own me, I'm my own person, I can make my own decisions." Cassidy says and the Cobras go back to chatting, and Ace gets off the bed of the truck and goes to a table before digging in a random box and grabbing out a razor blade. "Now, are you sure you want it?" Ace asks, Cassidy simply just nods, Ace hands the blade to Eyeball and he gets up and walks to Cassidy, Cassidy rolls her sleeve up, letting Eyeball start cutting her shoulder, she winces in pain when Eyeball first starts but holds her pain in the rest of the time Eyeball is writing the word Cobras with the blade.

Once it's finished Billy finds some leftover gauze from when the rest of them got their tattoos, Ace wraps her shoulder up to make sure it doesn't get infected and the rest of the night is like normal, Cassidy just feels like she fits in more now.

:P, this is horrible fr, I wrote this while half asleep 😭🙏.. Im to lazy to edit this again so enjoy I hope you enjoyed that chapter probably full of mistakes!

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