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(Another credit to Rose_was_wrong)

S.E:Oh my god I think the elevator just stopped.

Mongol:Oh my god is this really happening?!

B.E:I told you your asses were too much weight.

S.E:Shut up B.E.

Mongol:What do we do?

B.E:Idk,isn't there like a cord we can pull for the driver or something?

S.E:That's to stop a bus you stupid bitch.

B.E:Oh yeah,

Mongol:What about that big red button?

B.E:why would we hit that?

Mongol:For like,amergencies.

S.E:Red means stop Mongol,


S.E:If you hit that button,your telling the emergency people to stop.

Mongol:Why would they even have a button like that?

B.E:Because they're stupid.

S.E:We gotta put our heads together and think.


S.E:Just lean for it.

Mongol:*puts head against S.E's*

S.E:Come one B.E.

B.E:I'm not doing that.

Mongol:Have you thought of anything yet?

S.E:No,nothings happening*stands up straighter*

Mongol:*also stands up more straighter*Oh my god were gonna be stuck in here forever!

B.E:We'll probably be rescued soon.

[I don't know how much time later]

Mongol:-99 bottles of beer on the wall,99 bottles of beer~.Take one down,pass it around,99 bottles of beer on the wall~.


Mongol:No what?

B.E:It's 98 bottles.

Mongol:No it isnt-

S.E:Yes it is,you took one bottle down so now you have 1 left bottle mongol.

Mongol:No because the bottle got passed around.

B.E:Yeah,and then it was finished,

Mongol:Wow,you literally don't know your shapes.

S.E:What does this have to do with shapes?

Mongol:You pass the bottle around.


Mongol:What shape is round?

B.E:A circle.



S.E:What the fuck are you talking about-

Mongol:You take the bottle down,you pass it around in a circle,and when the bottle gets back to you,you put it back on the wall.

S.E:Why would you put an empty bottle back on the wall Mongol?!

Mongol:It's called 💫Recycling💫 S.E.


Mongol:99 bottles of beer-

B.E and S.E:Shut up.

[Another break]

B.E:What are you doing-?

S.E:Gonna try something.


S.E:If I jump high enough,the elevator will be triggered to move when I land.

B.E:That is the stupidest thing you've ever said-

S.E:Trust me,its gonna work.

Mongol:Where did you even here about this?

S.E:I saw it in a movie once.*gets ready to jump up*

Mongol:S.E dont-

S.E:I can have us out of here in no time!

B.E:Do it.

S.E:*jumps up and gets head stuck in the roof*OMG-!


S.E:I'm stuck!

B.E:This idea was amazing.

S.E:Get me down!*tries to free self*



Mongol and B.E:*joking since they don't want to*I just had my nails done.


Mongol:*smells something*What's that smell?!

B.E:Did somebody fart!?

S.E:I'm sorry ok?It's hard to hold it in up here.

B.E:It smells like burnt silicone-

Mongol:We gotta get out of here!I think we should hit the button!

S.E:NO!I told you that won't work!

Mongol:Were running out of oxygen!

*random noise*

B.E:What's that-?

Mongol:Oh my god were saved!

B.E:I'm so happy.

Some random person:We got a call about a suspicious smell coming from this elevator.

S.E:B.E did it!

Random person:Wait were you three stuck in here?

Mongol:We've been stuck forever!

Random person:Why didn't you hit the emergency call button?

B.E:What call button?

Random person:It's the big red button on the panel.

S.E:*Nervous laugh*

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