Contract & Dryad

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"No wonder you were all so up tight" Rimuru decided to join in the conversation.

"Already done with your meats sir Rimuru?" Benimaru questioned as Rimuru walked closer to the group.

"My stomach need some rest" Rimuru answered "anyway, your sister is something huh? She know a lot about medicines and aromatic herbs, the goblinas warm up to her in no time" Rimuru commented looking at group of girls circling around the pink haired Ogre "even my sister seem to take a liking in her on no time"

"Well she's always treated as a princess, i'm sure she's happy to help others to learn and she sure have a charm with kids" The red ogre replied.

"So what are you guys going to do now?" With that the conversation flow to a more serious side and somehow it ended with Rimuru offering them to stay at the village "so increasing battle power is also a necessity for us and..." Rimuru turned back to where the two girls are still chatting happily "Ririna seem happy with her, let's just say this is also my way to protect my sister's smile"

The red ogre's eyes are locked on the ground as he stayed silent for a good few seconds until finally he looked up with a thin smile "you seem to love her so much huh?" Rimuru basicly nodded at this statement. By a blink of an eye his smile dissappeared "let me think about it"

Rimuru gave him a reassuring smile "have a good and slow thought about it, no deadline so don't stress about it"

The next day, Rimuru got a visitor which he was actually expecting, the red ogre had accepted his request. Rimuru had also decided he won't let his new friend regret his decision "call the ogres" Rimuru turned to his human form "let me give you all the symbolic proof of being my subordinate"

"Nii-san naming ogre is dangerous isn't it??" Ririna asked as they are waiting for the leader of the ogre to gather the others. Rimuru understood Ririna's concern as giving name seem to be something really serious in this world, and as an extra point Ririna never saw how Rimuru gave all the goblins names.

He put his hand on the little girl's head right between her wolf ears "it's okay! Just trust this brother of yours!"

"Okay..." Not long the ogres showed up, the pink haired ogre also had the same doubt as Ririna, but Rimuru managed to convince them, he was about to name them when everything went black.

Rimuru was talking with Souei and Benimaru after his short training with Hakurou when Shion ran to them.

"Lunch is ready! I helped in the cooking process!" She reported happily. Rimuru thanked her and turned back to Benimaru and Souei, before Rimuru can fully face the two Souei dissappeared into thin air leaving Benimaru alone sweating bullets.

"You wanna join?" Rimuru offered to Benimaru which are immediately turned down by the kijin "oh well, fit yourself" Rimuru jumped up to Shion's arm.

"Anyway where's Ririna?" Rimuru asked looking up.

"Little princess is helping Shuna making cloths" Shion answered as she started walking away from Benimaru and Hakurou that are watching her back looking kind of melancholy.

"Oh then let's give them a visit" Shion immediately agreed as they went on their way Rimuru kept on thinking about the lizardmen Souei just told him about as he chatted here and there with Shion.

By the time Rimuru and Shion arrived, they were greeted by Shuna along with Garm and Dord which seem to be taking a quick look at Shuna's work.

They chatted for a while about the fabric and the material used to make it when they hear a door creaking open.

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