Attack of the Ogres

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Rimuru were experimenting on his clones when Ririna who's told to keep an eye on the door by Rimuru called out "nii-san! Sir Rigurd want to talk!" Hearing this Rimuru immediately got out of the tent and are instantly greeted by Rigurd telling him good morning and Ririna clinging onto his leg.

Rigurd start to give him some report how the village's repairement are going "that concludes my report" Finally after more than 15 minutes of talking Rigurd finished

Rimuru nodded his head "okay, sound like there's no problem! Good job!" Rimuru thought their conversation are going to end there, but Rigurd seem to have another idea

"Oh.. And" Rigurd look at Ririna for a second before continuing "will you not be needing food today either?"

Rimuru honestly wanted to eat together with all the other hobgoblin and Tempest wolf but sadly it would be useless if he can't taste anything "yeah.. I can't taste anything anyway as i have a slime body.."

Ririna cut him right there "but nii-san now have human body no??"

That'a when the realization hit Rimuru "ooooo!" He almost screamed out of excitement "Ririna you are a genious!!" He exclaimed scooping Ririna into his hand, Ririna seem to be enjoying this new habit of Rimuru "Rigurd!"

"Yes?" Rigurd still trying to process what is happening.

"From now on i'm going to eat with you all!" Rimuru are holding Ririna on his right and while his left hand are pointing at himself with his thumb finger.

Rigurd still couldn't wrap his finger around what just happened but he's more than delighted to hear this, he clapped his hand once "then we shall have a feast tonight!"

"Yes! I leave it all to you!" Rigurd gladly accepted this and fled the scene. Rimuru are deep in thought realizing how his body should be able to taste things now, Ririna are just happy to be carried by her brother.

Rimuru is walking across the village while singing some tune about how excited he is and also wondering what is going to be server tonight, while Ririna are tailing him just staying silent not to disturb her brother's delight.

Rimuru stopped his daydreaming when he realized Rigur and some other hobgoblin and tempest wolf are getting ready to leave by the village's entrance. He decided to greet them

Rigur noticed Rimuru going their way and greeted him "great Rimuru, young lady"

"Good job for always hunting for us" Rigur thanked Rimuru for the praise and told him about how they are going out to the forest, hearing this Rimuru informed Rigur about the feast they are having.

Gobta decided to question if Rimuru are going to eat with them tonight, Rimuru are more than delighted to tell him how his body now have a sense of taste, and nobody are prepared for what Gobta are about to say next "will your boobs grow if you eat a lot?"

Rimuru didn't waste a single second to sidekick Gobta causing him to get thrown away for atleast five feets away, Ririna pulled on Rimuru's finger to get his attention "boobs??"

Rimuru pat Ririna's head "just forget what he said okay?" Ririna simply nodded at this, Rigur quickly apologized about Gobta's behavior and promise he would discipline Gobta throughly after this.

Rigur also promised they would bring back home some high quality prey, he also told Rimuru how a lot of beast have been going out from the depth forest lately so there's a lot of prey. However Rimuru just can't help but think how that's a pretty rare occasion.

Rigur ensure him that the beast just move based on the environmental changes but Rimuru just couldn't help but worry, and so he called Ranga to guard them. He hoped nothing would happen but it's better be wary than sorry.

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