7 | Nirṇaya

133 11 3


(Lit.) ascertainment, settlement

Rama carefully heard all the listenings in the royals court. Bharata noted down the complains of the citizens, whereas Lakshmana assisted the ministers to give suggestions. The best thing about RamaRajya was the liberty given to citizens; let be a poor merchant or an rich land owner, everyone had equal rights. 

"Lakshmana" Rama started, his deep ocean-like voice echoing in the grand royal court. "The duty of horse is given to you. Bharata, the duty of arrangements to you, and I'll personally invite the sages to take part in the yajna."  

The decision of Ashvamedha Yajna was taken the day before; as suggested by Bharata. The next moment, a letter was sent to Mathura to inform Shatrughna about this decision. The decision was taken abruptly, yet for the welfare of the people.

"yes, Jyesta. Everything will be done perfectly"

Bharata made his way through the fancy corridors of the palace. The lamps were lit in the corners at equal intervals while soldiers performed their duty of patrolling. The colour palette of Ayodhya was generally ranging between the colours Red-Purple-Blue-Green; as of the darker shades. Red was a necessary component in the palace as Dasharatha believed that it symbolised power and strength what Ayodhya holds.

He entered his well-lit chamber to see his sons completely asleep. Pushkala occupied most of the space whereas Taksha slept towards the corner. He turned around to spot Mandavi; whom he found near the seating area, staring at the book.


"Svami.." Mandavi trailed, after which she patted the place next to her, asking Bharata to sit down, "Why is my sweetheart dull today?"

"Emotions. Today, a great decision has been made. The Ashvamedha Yajna. But the instinct in me says that its the start of the horrible times, scarily, this is how I felt when you and Shatrughna left for Kekeya. The same feeling.. God forbids something bad happens.

It's always my emotions which are playing tricks with me. The world has blessed me with such an amazing sisters, husband, brother-in-laws and sons, yet my mind still goes towards Sita Jyesta, what she might be facing in the forest, raising her kid all alone with the support of no one. I get exhausted when I take care of the kid alone without, even if its a one kid, but my Jye, she..alone is bravely raising her kid."

Bharata sighed, he couldn't help, but he was glad that Mandavi finally opened her feelings -- which she has kept hidden since ages. He also believed that it was better to spill it out rather than packing it up inside the body.

Without saying a thing, Bharata engulfed Mandavi in hug, he knew words couldn't heal scars, even at times it could hurt a person unintentionally. Actions speak more than words. 

In the calm night, Mandavi silent sobs were heard with Bharata's soothing sounds.

"Come on, Pankajam! It's 'Sha' not 'Ksha'!" Lava corrected his little friend. They were at the riverbank teaching the younger students of Ashrama to spell letters. Little Pankajam smiled a little at his own mistake before muttering a sorry.

Kusha picked a twig and started to make impressions of the latest verses of Rigveda he had learnt. He muttered along what he wrote, before getting bored, "Ugh! I did this like thousand times!"

"Teach me that later, Bhaiya.. I didn't quite catch it" Lava passed his words, where Kusha glared at his, "Who asked to you to sleep all day instead of studying?" 

"God! Jye, you are becoming more and more like Matashree now."

The kids surrounding Lava and Kusha enjoyed their friendly banter, Kusha sighed, "Aye! Why are you staring at our faces? Come on, practice, you guys need to learn this by tonight"

Kruta sighed, "I agree with you, Lava Jyeshta. You are so chill whereas Kusha Jyestha is so strict" He made a dramatic action while saying this, causing other to share a giggle again.

Kusha frowned, "Yeah Yeah, keep laughing, I'll complain to Gurudeva"

Lava now frowned, "Don't be spoiler Jye, let us enjoy a bit naa.. I swear you are perfect to be an elder brother, can't imagine myself as an elder brother."

"Stupid." Kusha muttered as he picked few pebbles to throw them into the flowing river. And Lava, was very excited about teaching younger kids, he went to each and every child teaching them to write the letters properly.

"I'm sad" Kusha huffed, it was for sure a rare sight to see the elder twin upset, Lava shook his head, "Are you still upset that Maa got upset at you?" 

It was yesterday, when Kusha forgot to close the lid of pepper spice container properly. When Sita took it out for cooking, the pepper spilled all over the place and she inturn got mad at her eldest.

"I-I was so stupid for not closing that properly!"

Lava pulled Pankajam near him whereas Shveta went and sat next to Kusha, patting his back. Lava started, "And kids, this is how.. I mean, if you ever need classes on how to overthink, just contact our lovely Kusha Jyeshta, afterall, he has passion for overthinking!" Lava winked at everyone as he completed the sentence.

Kusha sighed, "I made Maa upset"

"Such a good kid, you are! Look at me, giving Maa Panic Attacks every other hour. I mean, there must be some fun right.?" Lava gulped when he saw Kusha glaring at him, he quickly turned towards the kids, "Never ever trouble your mother kids, be good kids!"

Soft chuckles were heard, Kusha was finally giggling after a day! Lava and others also joined Kusha in giggling. Valmiki, their Guru stood close to them, passed a serene smile. 

"Kusha, Lava. Always be there for eachother, that's what you both need in future,"

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