1 | Dīpta

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(Lit.) burning very brightly. Blazing Fire

The two boys, were perfectly healthy as Sita wished for. They had a strong resemblence for their father. The elder one, had a dark complexion like Rama, whereas as the younger one had a melted gold complexion like Sita. That was the only difference between the two boys.

Sita, who had adopted the name of Vandevi after her banishment couldn't help but smile at her two boys. It already has been more than week since their birth and today, they were finally about to be named.

Sita recovered quite fast from her child-birth. Mainly, because the twins slept through the entire time without disturbing their mother. Everyone could make out that it was their love for their mother which was visible in the budding, but in the depths, they carried millions of grains of the love for their mother.

Sita dressed the two boys in old saffron clothes, fed them. She made them lie on the grass bed. The Twins, drifted into deep slumber as the two hugged eachother as if they were still in their mother's womb.

"Vandevi. Look! I bought these for my little charmers! You know, I had to walk ten miles to get these silk beds sheets for my little ones"

Sita lifted her head to find Vandana entering the hut with two silk bed covers. Sita sighed, the residents of the Ashrama had immense love for the twins, the love that could spoil them. She appreciated Vandana's efforts but, it was her sons's destiny to be born in the woods, away from the royal luxury.

"I really appreciate it, Mata. But these two need to learn to adjust to any situation. If they were destined to the royal happiness they would been born in the royal palace, but they are born in woods, as Rishi Kumaras. Mata, my sons need to learn how to be independent and grow up strong."

Vandana frowned. "Vandevi, I walked ten miles just to get these for them. It's not fair! Why to trouble small infants for this?"

"My Father always told me that like how the growth of a sapling to become a tree starts from day one. The shaping of infant to become an respectful adult starts from day one. It's just an effort from my side to make my sons an dutiful adult"

The twins who woke up from their nap, instead of crying, they stared at Sita and Vandana back to back with their eyes wide open and they let out a little coo as if they understood what Sita said. 

The younger one continued to the locket which was given to him by Shatrughna in his mouth. Sita giggled and tried to get the locket out of his mouth, but the little one was already stubborn. Not ready to lose his target.

They were the blazing fires. Since day one they showed the qualities of an Uttama Santana (the perfect children.)

Kusha and Lava.

The Twins of Sita were named Kusha and Lava. The eldest was named Kusha by Valmiki, whereas the youngest was named Lava.

"I, Valmiki name the eldest one as Kusha" Valmiki announced as he blessed the elder one with the upper portion of the Durva Grass.

"The second son of Vandevi shall be called as Lava!" Valmiki blessed the younger one with the lower portion of the Durva Grass.

Mutterings echoed everywhere. The twins were one of the few set of children born at the Ashrama. And they were the first set of twins. And they were the youngest (second youngest in the future) of the Ashrama.

It was for sure that they would be pampered, alot. They would spoiled in a good way. Sita was grateful to god for providing her children with such warm environment to grow up in.

Sita absolutely adored the named and loved the fact that, her, Rama's, and her two sons's names were just comprising of two syllables. She found it lovely.

As time rolled by, the twins did not like being innocent and lovely. Infact, they did alot of mischief. It was usually Lava overtaking Kusha in the number of mischief done. 

Sita was reminded of Rama every single second, those solemn eyes of the twins deeply carried the nature of Rama's eyes. The way the twins looked at Sita was the same way Rama used to look at his Ramaa, full of pure love and adoration.

And the boys already set their priorities. Precisely. The first one was their mother; the second was their education and the third one was their mischief.

Their words, already carried the power and radiance of the fire. It was clearly known that together, they would shape the world, positively.

Afterall, they were Rama and Sita's Kusha and Lava!

Jānakī Manoharā Ābhā : The Twins of RamāWhere stories live. Discover now