5 | Ānanda

131 11 3


(Lit.) Bliss, Happiness

"Sevika! Tell Yuvarani Mandavi about the Muhuratam being set." Kaikeyi ordered. The maid nodded her head and went out of the chamber of Kaushalya to inform this to Mandavi.

"Jiji, Kaikeyi, Can you believe that our little sons have little versions of themselves?" Sumitra questioned as she continued selecting the ornaments for the naming ceremony of the youngest grandchild, the second born of Shrutakeerti and Shatrughna.

"Can't believe it, Sumitra. I still remember the Putra-Kamesthi Yagna, where Payasam was given to us. Soon, our four boys were born. They were are, and will the closest ones." Kaushalya answered as she placed her holy book on a stand.

"Pitamahi!" Taksha along with Pushkala, Angada, Chandraketu and Subahu entered the room. Subahu was trying his best to match up his toddles with the runs of his brothers.

"Ayee! All my grandkids suddendly got love for these old grandmothers? Miracle!"

"Sumitra Pitamahi! Don't ever say that, we all love you and fact that we all love you more than our parents, but a little less than what we love Rama Pitrivyah" Eight year old Taksha answered thoughtfully.

"Yes Pitamahi! I agree with Jyestaa!" Angada, who was six years added. Though only six years old, he had great speaking skills. Afterall, he is a great orator like his mother, Urmila.

"Pitamahi! We all love you sooo much!" Pushkala, the five year made actions with his hands which hit it a three year old, Subahu.

"Ouc-" Subahu didn't get a chance to complete his sentence as a four year old Chandraketu rushed to Kaushalya, asking to be placed on her lap.

Kaushalya, smiled as she pulled Chandraketu into her laps and asked others to join in. Taksha and Angada rushed towards Kaikeyi, Pushkala and Subahu made their way towards Sumitra.

"And now tell me the real reason why you all are here" Kaikeyi questioned as she tightly held her grandsons.

The boys stared at eachother in horror, it was clearly evident that they messed something and came to their grandparents to escape scoldings.

"Taksha Jyestaa! He will tell, he is the oldest..."

"No- No! I mean, our Angu is such a great speaker, so let's give him a chance"

"Er-Pitamahi! Why always the eldest, let's give the chance to our little bahu!"

"Me no speak, Chandu jyestaa"

"WHAT?! me? Let's pass the ball to Pushi"

"Why is it always me?" Pushkala made a crying face as Sumitra let a slight chuckle.

"Pushi, we are not going to scold you, you can tell us.." Sumitra spoke the words in the soft tone of hers.

"Pit-Pitamahi.. we actually ate, not intentionally! The prasadam before it was served to the god.. Mata is going to scold us... We are scared"

"Accidently? Others are kids but you Taksha being the eldest, couldn't you tell your younger brothers? Dissapointed in you, Taksha and Pushkala" Mandavi's voice echoed in the room, the kids gulped.

"Jyestaa, not about my Takshu and Pushi, they are good kids." Urmila who stood behind Mandavi as she continued, "Angada and Chandraketu! Didn't the teach and warn you boys about it?"

Rama stared at the ritual happening, weeks old boy of Shrutakeerti and Shatrughna peacefully lied in the laps of his mother, whereas their elder born was sitting next to his father. The princes of Madhupuri.

After Sita's banishment, the demon Lavanasura was quite a problem for the people of Mathura, inturn the sages came into the shade of KosalaRajya. Shatrughna volunteered to fight against the Asura.And yes, Shatrughna skills made him the king of Mathura, and Shrutakeerti being the queen.

Janaka, Sunayana, Chandrabhaga and Kushadhvaja stood next to eachother in a row smiling at their youngest daughter's son's naming ceremony.

Chandrabhaga let out a slight sigh, "Sita would have been great guidance for other girls". Sunayana passed a small smile, "I know, my heart says that where-ever my daughter is, she is happy with her own."

"He'll be the one who contain the strenth of many elephants! With the radiance of Suryavamsha, and knowledge of Nimivamsha, I Vasishta name him as Subahu!" The royal priest, Vasishta announced as the court burst into the cheers.

Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi went ahead and presented the couple with gifts. Gold, Silver, New clothes and sweets as per the tradition of the Kula. Rama being the main head of the family presented the new-born with a golden chain and ring. Others slowly went ahead and presented their own gifts.

"Suryavamshi Subahu Ki Jai!"

The royals of Mithila graced their youngest heir with new clothes and jewellery and books. Kushadhvaja picked him a slowly pecked the forehead of the sleeping boy whereas Chandrabhaga held Shatrughati in her arms.

"He resembles Shruta, when she was a baby" Sunayana let out a teary chuckle as she recollected the times when the princesses were just infants. "And Ghati looks like Shatrughna" Janaka pointed out.

Rama couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart, he loved his brother's kids more than his own life but it was the selfish human nature in his heart which was begging him to meet his own blood.

Rama, always felt bad, he never got to hold his blood, never actually experienced their childhood and no one knows when he is going to meet them. If he meets them, will they accept him? Will they hate him? Will they adjust in the palace? Will his brothers' kids accept them?

Only fate knew the answers.

Putting his sadness aside, Rama decided to enjoy the moment while it lasts. With the Vanavasam, Rama learnt one of the major things, enjoy while its exists so that you can't regret it.

"Jyestaa!" Lakshmana pulled Rama to a side, "Lets eat some sweets? I'm hungry, I got permission from Urmila, Matas and even Gurudeva!"

The palace of Ayodhya was lit with Happiness though people had their own stories to share. The stories which were buried deep inside until the future.

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