Not all Sam's peculiar actions had worked against Kath! Some worked for her benefit as well. Well.. one action in particular which made Chad off of her back.

Chad was a nurse in this hospital. And from the very first day of Kath's internship he'd been after Kath. Kath is extremely polite with almost everyone , especially her colleagues and staff members of the hospital. So She tried to make him understand in a decent manner that she was not interested but to no avail. Some people are like that and could not get a hint.

Thankfully Sam wasn't like that. Yeah she insisted on Kath as well but not like Chad. Kath noticed one thing about Sam that she was very persistent but never stubborn or rude. Even when she faced Kath's rejection from time to time, she never created any pressure, not even for once no matter how much she messed up..! She was never out of line. She simply gave her smile and then tried again the next time they met, Sam always asked but never pressured.

While Chad was something else entirely, no he wasn't harmful in any sense but he's dimwitted and kind of dumb who didn't seem to understand anything.


The other day, after Kath shift; Chad appeared in front of her holding a bouquet of lilies and despite Kath's disapproval decided to accompany her to the bus stop. Kath's car was broken and Irin was working in another shift then so she had to use public transport.

Kath said to him, it wasn't necessary, to which he responded saying “A gentleman should never let a lady walk alone”. Damn he was a stubborn mole. Kath just sighed.

He was talking all the way about how pretty Kath was , how he would do anything for a girl like her..
When they were in front of a deserted dark alley a figure appeared out of nowhere in front of them clad in a big coat with their face covered and they were wearing a beanie, who looked like a mugger.

Startled Kath drops the Lilies she was holding. And they stopped waking noticing the figure right in front of them, terrified of what's coming next. When that very figure brought their hand inside their coat pockets, probably to bring out a gun; suddenly Chad did a sprint! He ran as fast as he could, for his life, leaving Kath behind to deal with everything that was about to come…

Kath looked at the running figure, dumbfoundedly. ‘So much for a Gentleman to leave a girl in danger’ she thought, momentarily forgetting the danger in front of her.

A laughter made her remember her situation. She looked back and the laughter was coming from  none other than the mugger.

“And he would do everything for a girl like you huh?” The mugger spoke up in a muffled voice. Uncovering their face and it turned out the figure was non other than Sam herself. She was laughing her heart out.

Kath felt relief for a moment then annoyed the second after. “You!? How dare you scare me like that?”

“I'm sorry Doc if I startled you. But I didn't exactly do anything, Did I? Besides appearing before you.”

That was right, she didn't do anything or say anything. All she did was to appear in front of them and that alone made Chad shit his pants.

“You dressed like a mugger!”

“A mugger you said??” She looked down at herself. I'm just wearing a coat and a scarf on my face! That's it. Oh and a beanie. You can't blame me. It's too damn cold out here..”  

“People get robbed in dark alleys like this, from people dressed like you. Also the way you brought your hands inside your coat felt like you had a gun! ”

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