Chapter Two

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No one POV

Braden slowly wakes up, seeing the light from the open window hit his eyes. He immediately groans in discomfort and moves his head away. He slowly sits up and rubs his eyes. His eyes took a moment to focus as the room was quiet with its lights off, the only light coming in from the window. He rubs the back of his neck and sits uncomfortably as he notices the strange homeless man sitting in the corner of the room.

He frowns a bit as he saw the man fast asleep in some kind of a yellow sleeping bag.

'Yeah that's so not weird...'

He thinks before looking down at his bandaged arms. His stomach twisted in discomfort as he noticed the IV. He gags a bit and covers his mouth. He shoved his hand under the blanket to avoid looking at it again. He sighed heavily and stares at the ceiling. He heard some shuffling and groans as he looks over to see the homeless man was waking up.

The man looks at Braden and acknowledged that the boy was awake. He drops the sleeping bag and gets up with a long stretch. He sighed heavily and drags his chair over to Braden bed.

"How are you feeling? Do you remember who I am?" He asked before sitting down. Braden quietly watched everything he did before staring blankly at the man. He thinks for a moment as memories from before came to him. He looks back at the ceiling, "You're Eraserhead...You saved me..." he mumbles, his voice quiet and dry. Eraserhead notices he dodges his first question but ignores it. He nods, "Yes I'm Eraserhead, the doctor was worried you would forget things when you wake up after all this injuries you had from the crash." He says and leans back into his chair. Braden tensed once he heard the mention of a doctor. He gulps a bit, "How long was I asleep?" He asked as Eraserhead noticed his discomfort. The homeless man stares at him, "Three days."

Braden doesn't react when being told this, "Ok..." he says. Eraserhead crosses his arms, "Kid do you remember what happened before we found you?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. Braden was quiet as he glanced at Eraserhead, "...I-I...No." he went back to staring at the ceiling as Eraserhead pulls out something, a yellow file. He opens it up, "Braden Higeki," he says. Braden eyes widen and he pressed his lips together before looking at Eraserhead with confusion. Eraserhead see this and continues, "Gone missing 10 years ago, both parents found dead in the home." He explains as Braden stares at him. "Let me ask again, Do you remember anything before we found you." Eraserhead says as Braden eyes slowly turn orange and his eyebrows move from being uncomfortable to sadness. He looks to his lap and grips onto the sheets. His vision blur as tears fall on his lap.

"I-I don't know...." He mumbles and rubs his tears. "Aizawa he's not lying." Braden jumped a bit and looks up to see a lady in weird clothes come in. Eraserhead looks at lady and huffs, "Tsukauchi? Why are you here."

(Yes I added Makoto Tsukauchi, I don't care what you think-)

Makoto smiled, "Good to see you as well, I was told by my brother that you needed some help so I can in his presence." She explains and came over. She saw the saddened boy and glares at Aizawa, "Dang it, this is just a child, don't teach him like a villain." She says and smacks that back of his head. Aizawa flinched and rubs the back of his head, "Geez sorry.." he mumbles as Makoto takes the file from him. She looks through them then looks the boy. She smiled softly and puts the file aside. "I'm sorry about Aizawa sweetheart, he can be kinda mean sometimes, don't mind him." She says and softly rubs his tears off his cheek. She smiled and giggles, "Oh you're so adorable." She pats his messy hair before turning to Aizawa.

"Did you tell the nurses that he is awake?" She says snd puts her hands on her hips. Aizawa sighed and looks away, "No." Makoto pinches her nose, "I swear Aizawa." She mumbles and pressed a button on the side of Braden bed to single a nurse. After a few minutes a nurse came in, "Can I help you?" He asked as Makoto smiled sweetly. "Yes, the sweet boy has woken up, can you please inform the doctor." She says and puts her hands together. The nurse looks at Braden and nodded, "Yes of course." They say before leaving the room.

Makoto bright smile drops and looks at Aizawa, "How many hours of sleep have you had? You seriously can't be treating the boy like one of your students." She scolds as Aizawa huffs, "You already scolded me, I don't need to hear more. I won't do it again." He says as Makoto crosses her arms, "Yeah you sure won't."

"Um...Is there water or something I could have..?" Braden interrupts. Aizawa and Makoto look at the boy. Makoto smiles, "Of course honey. One moment." She walks away and left the room, leaving Braden alone with Aizawa.

Braden glanced at the homeless man and frowns, "What's does she mean by students..?" He asked as Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him. "Well I have students back where I teach...Do you know what a school is?" Braden stares blankly at him and shakes his head. Aizawa looked surprised as this situation can be bad. He was about to speak up but the door opens up to Makoto with a cup of water and a doctor next to her. Braden shifted a bit and gets a bit nervous. Makoto came over and gave him his water. Braden slowly drinks the water but his eyes never left the doctor as the man washes his hands.

"Braden, I'm Dr. Smith. How do you feel?" He asked as Braden stares at him, he held his cup tightly in his hand, "Fine..." he mumbles. Makoto and Aizawa saw Braden behaved and kept their guard up. Dr. Smith nodded, "Alright, can I look at your arms?" He asked and reaches for Braden arm. Braden flinches back at this and raises his arms quickly as Aizawa stands up and stops the doctor from getting any closer. Braden smashes his cup in his lap as water spills on Braden. Makoto quickly went to Braden side and softly grabs his hands, "Hey it's ok honey." She says as Braden was hyperventilating. He looks at Makoto and tears up. She sees this and softly smiles at him before pulling him in a soft hug. Braden held onto her tightly and try to control his breathing.

Dr. Smith frowns and sighed, "Well looks like I'll have to try another time." He says and turns around but Aizawa stops him, "No need, he'll be transferred to someone else." He says sternly. The doctor sees this and nodded quickly, "O-Ok. I'll get the nurse to give you the paperwork." He says and quickly left the room.

Aizawa sighed softly and looks at Makoto before Braden who calmed down and was staring off into space. Makoto nodded at him as Aizawa pulls out his phone and calls a few friends.

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