Chapter one

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Hello! I'm starting the story again so it actually works with my OC and fit the plot in my head a little better so I can finally work on the comic for this.

I hope you enjoy it

No one POV

The sound of heels could be heard through the long hallway as the woman smiled peacefully as Dr. Kyudai walked beside her.
"Now that everything is ready to go, we can start phase one." Dr. Kyudai says as the woman looks at him, "Yes, I'll bring him to Overhaul once transport comes in." She says as the Doctor nods. "You know, my master would've like it if you just turned him into a Nomu. He has such a powerful quirk."

The lady stops dead in her tracks and glares at Dr. Kyudai, "Do I have to remind you of our deal?" She asked sternly as Dr. Kyudai panicked, "Of course not! We just think he would've been more useful if he was a Nomu." He says as the lady tsk at him, "Our deal was you help me get the money to pay for the quirk buster while my pay was to get you into contract with Overhaul. What I do with him is none of your business." She says and walks past him. Dr. Kyudai was quiet as he nodded, "Yes of course, Dr. Calamari."

Dr. Calamari walks outside where many villains help bring packages into a large truck. Soon a car came into the lot and out came Overhaul and his assistants. Dr. Calamari smiled and walks up to him, "So nice to finally meet again. How's the little darling?" She asked as Overhaul waved his assistants away. "She listen more then I thought she would, though she did run away and we bumped into a young hero." He explains while trying to avoid anything dirty. Dr. Calamari eyes narrow, "Oh? This hero won't be a problem for him right?" She asked as Overhaul shakes his head, "No I took care of him." He says. Dr. Calamari nodded and smiled, "Good would be a shame if all my hard work was ruined or destroyed by Hero's..."

Overhaul nods as him and Dr. Calamari turned to see Dr. Calamari assistants helping each other carry a large machine box. Through the glass a boy could be seen as he was unconscious and connected to wires and cords. Dr Calamari smirks at the sight of him, "Be careful when transporting him. If my machine or the boy is damaged in anyway, you're all dead." She says as everyone nodded nervously. Overhaul stares at the boy, "So he's the one you're so passionate about?" He asked. Dr. Calamari smiles happily, "Yes!! Isn't he wonderful! He's my pride and joy, can't wait to see the damage he will make." She says and brings her hand in with joy. Overhaul nodded, "I hope he's good...Though his face doesn't look to be in the best shape." He says. Dr. Calamari huffs, "Well if I didn't have those idiots watching over him, he wouldn't have those scars on his pretty face. I wished I killed them before they laid their hands on him." She says and balls up her fists in anger. She then smiles, "Any way! Let's get going! I'm hungry and want to eat your good food when we get there!" She says and hurries to the track. Overhaul rolls his eyes and follows along.

The machine was locked securely in the truck as the doors were locked up before the truck was released to leave. The trucks travel through the high way, heading to Overhauls headquarters. Suddenly the truck was hit hard by something. Dr. Calamari looks out to see hero's coming after them. She turns to Overhaul, "I thought you said they were taken care of." She said in anger. Overhaul looks out the window and growls, "I thought I did." He says. Dr. Calamari radios in to the other villains and told them to take care of them. But before she could do anything, the truck suddenly stopped and crashed onto its side. Dr. Calamari groans in pain as her head got hit hard. She looks to see Overhaul helping her out of her seat. They quickly leave the truck and went into hiding. Dr. Calamari panicked and stops, "Wait I can't leave him behind!" She says as Overhaul pulls her, "He doesn't matter now, you'll get another one again but for now let's go." He says sternly. She was hesitant as she saw the assistants of Overhaul fighting the hero's. She nodded and leaves with him.

The truck was very damaged as flames and smoke came out of it. The machine inside was broken as liquid and glass was everywhere. The boy lays on the ground with cuts and bruises from the crash. He coughs out the liquid and gasped for air. He slowly sits up with shaky arms as he looks around. Not knowing what was going on he gets up and wobbles out of the truck. He say people fighting, things flying with smoke and fire everywhere. He stares blankly as he felt somewhat confused and scared. The boy quickly moves away from the truck and tries to run into an ally way.

The boy stop and stares at the dead end in front of him. He looks behind him to see a few people coming over to check up on him. He slowly backs up and tries to find a way out. "Hey it's ok, we're hero's, we're not going to hurt you." A lady said in a soft voice. The boy looks at the lady, noticing her hero costume. She had long wait hair with white ears. "Hero's..?" He mumbles, his voice sounding like a whisper. The hero's couldn't hear him that well but the lady nodded, "Yeah hero's. I'm Mirko, this is Eraserhead, Can you tell me your name?" She explained. She pointed to a tall man with yellow goggles and black clothes, what also looked to be a bandage around his neck. The boy stares at her then nodded, "B-Braden...Braden Higeki." He says, his voice sounding raspy and dry.

Mirko smiled, "Nice to meet you Braden. Let's get you somewhere safe." She says and gave Eraserhead a look. The tall man nodded and came up to Braden, "Hold onto me." He says softly. Braden hesitated for a moment but a loud explosion could be heard and he quickly gets into Eraserhead arms. Eraserhead held him close and quietly gets them away from the area. Braden didn't care to look at he kept his face hidden in Eraserhead neck. Soon they landed somewhere. Braden pulls away a bit and looks around before noticing the smell of alcohol wipes came into his nose. He panicked quietly inside as he looked to see different people walking around. A lady sees them and came over, "Hello, can I help you?" She asked the pro hero.

"Can you please take him and give him a check up. He's covered in injuries and I just got him out of a villain situation." He explains. The nurse looks at him with surprise and quickly calls over others and gets Braden a stretcher.

Once Braden was on a stretcher. He looks over at Eraserhead and sees him standing in the back as he was taken away. He frowns as he was brought into a room where many people did all kinds of stuff on him, some things he knew but a lot he didn't and he did move away many times before he was explained what it does.

Braden lays in his quiet room after long hours with needles and other things connected to him. His stomach twisted a bit uncomfortable whenever he looked at his IV or bandaged body. It reminded him of before, with all the testing and changes. He stares at the white ceiling before slowly closing his eyes and going into the familiar darkness.

Made To Be A Monster (Bakugo x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora