Chapter 28 - Fragments of the past

Start from the beginning

After a moment of silence, the clan leader spoke again.

"He shall not be banished from the family for the time being. But I shall make arrangements for his seclusion." Bai Feng's father stood up and made his way to the children's quarters.

The two brothers soon heard hurried footsteps and the sobbing of their mother.

"You can't do this to our son, please! Let our child have a normal childhood.." Bai Feng's mom begged.

It was the first time the kids heard their mom raise her voice, she was always poise and gentle. But tonight—

Bai Feng's Father yanked his youngest son's arm and said to his wife,

"This is already proof of my love for you my dear. I hope you will behave.. Before I lose patience with you too." warned the clan leader.

The man quickly pulled Bai Feng's arm and ordered the guards to keep his wife and eldest son in the room until he was back.

"Mother? Why are you crying?" asked the gentle firstborn. But his mother just hugged her son and sobbed, unable to speak a word.

Ever since the incident, the clan head has always been strict towards Bai Feng, instilling fear and demanding complete obedience from him.

Young Bai Feng was isolated in a room separated from the main house, treated just like a caged animal.

Only after a few weeks of being locked away could Bai Feng's mother and brother visit the child.

The young boy was ecstatic to be able to see his favorite people once more. Young Bai Feng never showed a hint of sadness despite the poor treatment he received from his family. He didn't want to cause his mother and brother to worry about him even more than he already did.

Weeks turned to months until one day, Bai Feng's mother snuck him out of the house to go visit the market. Just a glimpse of freedom, if I can give it to him.. Thought the gentle woman.

"Mother, won't you get in trouble if Father found out?" the young child asked in a worried tone.

"We won't get caught, I'll just hide you away in my big sleeves if someone sees you" the beautiful woman reassured.

"I'm not that little anymore!" young Bai Feng protested.

"You're always going to be my baby" the mother cooed, patting her youngest son gently.

"If only we could go out with gege.." the young boy said with a little hint of sadness. But he quickly shook his head and grabbed a few snacks to bring home. Seeing Bai Feng carefree again, even just for a little while, was truly precious. He's supposed to be smiling and playing without worry like the other kids, but sadly she can't even see her beloved son do that.

Once the mother-son pair arrived in Bai Feng's secluded room, the lady patted her son's head, telling him to slowly enjoy his treats. But to the gentle woman's surprise, he put the snacks in his mother's hand and smiled.

"Eat these with gege, it's now his turn to have snacks with you, Mother" the young boy then urged his mom to quickly go before she gets in trouble.

Bai Feng was forced to mature quickly due to his circumstances, but he quickly realized that it was a good thing. For not long after, he would lose all his pillars of support.

On a cold winter night, Bai Feng was told to wait outside the main hall to meet the lady of the house by one of his attending servants. The young boy was excited, thinking that his days of seclusion finally ended. After all, his mother wouldn't meet him in the main hall if it wasn't the case. He didn't lose control of his powers recently, so maybe..

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