The Beginning

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Anne was lying down on her bed, her eyes were open as she knew what day it was, December 25, Christmas. This was the only day where Anne is reminded of her family, she almost cried, but she couldn't. She has been stuck with Darcy for almost an entire year.

She hasn't had the most fun time ever, she couldn't cry or Darcy would punish her. Anne was covered up, she was wrapped in Darcy's arms with the sleeping hivemind behind her. She has had so much abuse and non respect.

Anne had cuts, bruises, burn and bite marks on her body because of Darcy, every time she would try to leave or escape, Darcy would always do something that Anne knows well, Darcy would always put them in their bedroom and undressed Anne, she's always exposed to Darcy... And she always hated it.

Anne was exposed right now, she was covered up to hide her exposed body, Anne hated this so much. Anne turns her head and sees Darcy without her helmet, she looked like Marcy, but her hair was all messy and she had The Core's eyes.

Anne was going to cry, Christmas was the only day where she is reminded of her family, The Planters, Sasha and the rest of her friends. But the person she missed most... Was Marcy. Christmas reminded her of Marcy because when Christmas rolls around, Marcy would always want to hang out and have a Merry Christmas with Anne.

Anne missed Marcy so much and to sees she's possessed hurt Anne to her core, Anne rolls over and stared at Darcy. Anne cupped Darcy's cheek with her left hand and stroked it. "Oh Marcy... If you're in there... I miss you... So much... I forgive you for everything... You'll always have a special place in my heart... I Love You, Marcy Wu... Thank you... For everything..." Anne said as she placed a kiss on Darcy's lips.

Anne doesn't regret kissing Darcy, she deeply loves Marcy. Anne sighed, she then fell asleep again and just relaxed, her wounds healed up pretty nicely, her cuts are white marks, the burn marks and bite marks are no longer visible and the bruises are gone.

Anne sighed in relief, she was really hoping her day can go smoothly instead of being a terrible nightmare. Anne saw the sun was slowly rising over the horizon, she then shook Darcy awake gently. Darcy woke up, her eyes glowing orange with yellow irises and red pupils.

She yawns and smiled. "Good morning, Anne." Darcy said while booping Anne's nose and placed a kiss on Darcy's cheek. Anne's eyes widen, a blush appeared on her face as it spreads across Anne's cheeks. Darcy giggled at Anne's flustered face.

"Oh Anne... You look so cute when you're embarrassed." Darcy said while placing a kiss on Anne's cheek. Anne became embarrassed while Darcy gets out of bed while showing her exposed body, she puts her her black robe on.

Anne then got up and put her robe on, Darcy approached her and held her hands. "You really healed up, Anne... Those powers of yours really healed you up." Darcy said. Anne nods her head in agreement, Darcy smiles as she placed another kiss on Anne's cheek.

"C'mon, Love... Let's get some breakfast." Darcy said. She and Anne walked out of there bedroom down to the hall, Anne looked out the window and saw the marsh land of Amphibia. She hasn't seen her friends in forever ever since Darcy sent everyone to Earth.

Anne's parents allowed Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, Frobo, Grime, Olivia, Yunan and everyone else of Amphibia to stay on Earth while everyone else of Amphibia were being looked after by Anne's parents and Mr. X. Anne saw that The Frobot army was increased and were ruling over Amphibia.

Anne and Darcy were in the dinning room as it looked like a massive ball room with a lot of tables, they were in the kitchen as they search for something to make for breakfast, Anne searches for some food, but nothing was there.

"Uhh... Dar-Dar!" Anne said. Darcy's ears listen up as she remembers when Anne use to call Marcy, 'Mar-Mar' a lot, Darcy kinda loves that nickname as she found it kinda cute. "Yes, Anne?" Darcy said as she turns around to face Anne.

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