"Oh my I think we have the wrong apartment," Sheila said as she took a step back in embarrassment.

"No, you're in the right spot," Ragnar reassured them.

"Is she staying with you during this event?" Sheila asked.

"Uh, not exactly," he replied, wondering where Talia was. "Let me show to your room so you can put your stuff in there."

"Wait a minute, are you two dating?" Rick, Talia's father asked.

Ragnar turned back to him.

"Because I see the mark on your neck," Rick pointed out.

"Mom, Dad, stop giving him the third degree," Talia called as she walked out of their bedroom. She hugged them both and helped them get settled.

"We don't want to see you get hurt again, Talia," Sheila told her, brushing Talia's hair back.

"Come in to the living room so I can explain everything to you both," Talia said.

"Where's my grandson?" Sheila asked.

"With my daughter," Ragnar told her, following them both in to the living room. He didn't miss them looking back at him suspiciously.

"Have a seat. Do you all want some coffee?" Talia asked them as she began to make some for herself and her mate.

"We're good. We'd just like to know what's going on," Rick said.

Talia walked back over and perched on the chair, Ragnar standing beside it, his arms crossed across his chest.

"So, I should have told you this before, and was planning to when I came to New York but with what happened in July and then preparing for the crowning ceremony, there just hasn't been time," Talia started.

"We've talked on the phone," Sheila reminded her.

*What happened in July?" Rick asked her.

"I know, but we'd rather tell you in person. And Dad, I'll get to that in a bit. As you both know, I joined Regal Eclipse at the beginning of summer. What you don't know is that when I joined Regal Eclipse, I became immortal, and as long as I stay in Regal Eclipse I'll remain that way." Talia paused, letting them take in that information. "So, since I now have the gift of immortality, I also get a second chance mate."

Both of her parents eyes widened in surprise and their gazes flicked up to Ragnar. "So you're her second chance?" Sheila asked.

"I am," Ragnar confirmed. He saw Sheila smile.

"Did you know when you all were at our house before?" Rick asked them.

"Ragnar knew from the moment we met, which just happened to be the day James died," Talia said quietly. "I didn't until I joined the pack. I knew we had a connection, but I didn't know what it was. He was there for me, helped me get through it and became my best friend."

"Did you know all of this before you joined this pack?" Sheila asked her.

"Yes, we don't let anyone join without knowing all of the details," Ragnar told them. "Talia was well aware of what would happen."

"I just didn't expect to find my second chance the same night I joined," Talia smiled. She couldn't have chosen a better mate though. She adored him and he her.

"And is she your second chance?" Rick asked Ragnar.

"No, I've never been mated before," Ragnar told him.

"But you have a child?" Rick glared at Ragnar.

"I was married before," Ragnar told him.

"Dad!" Talia was growing annoyed.

"Talia, it's okay. Let them ask. They're worried about you," Ragnar told her calmly. He'd expected all of this. "Yes, I was married before. I was also human before."

"What?" They both said.

"Jenna, Mom?" Talia said, reminding her parents that Jenna used to be human.

"How?" Sheila asked.

"The Alpha King, Daniel, can do it and so can his father. Both of them were mated to humans, and turned them. It's just not something we broadcast for obvious reasons," Ragnar told her.

"So the King changed you?" Rick asked him.

"No, his grandfather did. Before that, I was married and had a daughter. I was in a battle and wounded and would have died, but Ranald Remington found me and changed me. I had to let go of my family, but that wasn't easy and I still kept tabs on them. After my wife passed away, I ended up bringing my daughter home with me and she also became a werewolf," Ragnar explained.

"How old are you?" Rick asked.

"Dad!" Talia glared at him.

"I was a Viking, a Dane in the time of King Alfred."

That bit of information silenced them both for a long moment.

"And you've been waiting all of this time for your mate?" Sheila asked him.

"I have," he answered.

"And I have another grandchild?"

They both smiled at Sheila. "Astrid. You'll meet her today at some point. She has Matthew. They have their own special bond," Talia smiled.

"And what happened in July?" Rick asked.

Talia glanced up at Ragnar, and let him tell that story. By the time he was done, her mother was crying and her father's eyes were watery.

Sheila came over to hug her daughter. "Are you happy?"

"Yes, Momma. I'm very happy." Talia assured her.

"Good. I'm glad. I was so heartbroken for you after.." She hugged her daughter again.

"I know. I was about suicidal. Ragnar and Caleb kept me from going there," Talia told her.

"So, if you're the Royal Beta Female, how big of a role are you playing in this crowning ceremony?" Rick asked. He was actually thrilled that Talia had a new mate. He'd known that she wasn't doing well when she'd been home in March. He was happy that now she looked truly happy and content.

"Pretty big. Wait til you see my dress," Talia said. "We should go down for breakfast. I need to see Matthew."

Ragnar nodded. "Let me go get dressed and we can head on down." He got up and left the room.

"The age difference doesn't both you?" Rick asked Talia.

"No," the man has more stamina than I do. "You know how the mate bond is. And like I said, we were best friends before I found out he was my mate. But he treats me like a queen. And Astrid is wonderful."

"She's happy, Rick," Sheila said to her mate. "That's obvious."

Rick nodded as Ragnar walked back into the room. "Well let's go eat then."

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now