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"I can't do this" I tell Luce in the car,

"Yes you can, Lucy" He says for the 76th time. He stops the car and rests his head on the steering wheel,

"Hey if I was Leo, this would be alot worse"

"True but, you're not Leo, and thank God for that" he mutters the last bit under his breath,

"Look it's Garret!" He says as someone approaches our car, Tall, about 6'1, Brunette, Hazel-green eyes, nice build, definitely goes to the gym alot.

Damn Garret's leng.

"'Sup man, good holiday?" he asks Luce,

"Yeah dude, this is my cousin Lucy"
He faces towards me and I wave at him awkwardly. He glares at me and turns back to Luce,

Shit Garret's scary

"I'll see you in English yeah?" He says to Lucian, his mood suddenly changing,

"Yeah for sure man" Lucian replies

"What the fuck was that!" I ask him

"What do you mean?" he says smiling, knowing very well what I mean,

"That!" I wave my arms around like a lunatic,

"Oh that's just Garret, he hates everyone until he gets to know you" he replies,

"If that's Garret, I don't even want to know what your other friends are like"

"They're not as cold" he says putting an arm around my shoulder, leading me inside the great Hawkin High School,

Yay.. american highschool. woohoo

Luce notices my expression and says, "Hey, dont be so down, once you get to know everything, it'll all be fine, I promise" he kisses my head and guides me to the headteachers office. I knock on the door,

"Come in!" I hear faintly, on the other side of the door, I open it and step inside,

"Hi Sir, I'm Lucy, I'm here to collect my timetable,"

"Oh yes, I have your class schedule and your Jar of Joy right here" he says and hands me a piece of paper and jar full of glitter,

"Jar of joy?" I ask, confused,

"Yes! We encourage all students to carry it around as a reminder that no matter how dark things can be in life, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to Hawkins!"

So like dying?

"Great thanks" I say and leave the room, finding Luce and Garret talking outside the door

"You didn't tell me she was so hot!" I hear Garret say,

"She's my cousin! Why would I even think about her like that? Makes me want to throw up" Luce replies,

"If you're going to throw up, I think it would be better if you would do it somewhere else, preferably back in England" I butt into their conversation,

"Oh hey Lucy, didn't see you there" Luce chuckles nervously, Garret continues to send me dirty looks as I say,

"Clearly, or you wouldn't have said that the sight of me makes you want to throw up, and you" I turn to Garret, "I don't know what your problem is with everyone, but you need to sort it out, because I will not tolerate your shit" Garret's gaze softens as he moves closer to me, I move back, slightly scared, he holds my arm and pulls me in for a hug. When he pulls away, he turns to Lucian's shocked face and says,

"I like her, she's badass"

"You know what Garret? I think I like you too" I say, patting him on his back.


I park my car in the school parking lot and head inside. I open my locker and start putting my stuff in there.

"Logan!" I hear from behind me,

"Luce! My man!" Lucian Montgomery, my literal best friend not like that BFF shit that girls did when they were 9, this is real "I'll help you hide the body" kinda shit, "How was Canada man?" I ask,

"I'll tell you one thing, those people wouldn't last 15 minutes in New York" He replies and I laugh,

"Too nice for their own good"

"Hey did you get my text from last night?"

"Nah man didnt get a chance to read it"

"Right right, don't worry, just wanted you to know that my cousin is starting the school so she's offlimits"

"Don't know why you're telling me, I'm gay for you" I say and wink,

"You are so zesty" he pushes me away and then the bell rings,

"I'll see you in Gym right?" I say while walking towards my Home Room,

"Yeah, I'll see you there" I hear from behind me, I walk into home room and Mrs Parker looks at me, disappointed,

"You're late Logan, we're not even an hour into the school year, now go sit down next to Lucinda"

"Which one's that?" I say looking around the room, I spot Hannah my fling from last year and wink, she smirks back and gives me a sexy smile,

"Just her at the back" she says pointing towards a girl with curly, brown hair, her curls go just below her chest, cascading down her back like a waterfall of dark chocolate, almost black, but not quite, not light brown, but a darker shade, like coffee.

She looks up at me, her stormy eyes lock with mine, her unamused face scrunching up into a frown before she looks back down at her book, I walk towards our desk and plop my bag on the floor, sitting down in my chair,

"Now, everyone as some of you may have noticed, we have a new student joining us today, Lucy? Why don't you stand up and tell us about yourself" Mrs Parker says, the girl next to me, Lucy I'm guessing, looks up, noticing everyone looking at her, she stands up, clearing her throat

"Well, um I'm Lucy and I-" she's cut off by the class oohing,

"Yo! Why'd you sound so weird?" Tom Jones asks her and I smirk, hiding it with my hand,

"I was getting to that wasn't I? before you all start talking again I was going to say, I'm Lucy and I just moved here from England, you can now ask questions," She finishes and sits down,

Damn this bitch has some balls

"Do you know Harry Styles?!" Someone shouts from across the room, and I see her roll her eyes

"I have a question" I turn towards her, "What's your cup size?" I ask, smirking,

"Logan! That is inappropriate and rude! Apologize right now!" Mrs Parker shouts

"No Miss it's alright" Lucy says and looks down, "I think I'm a size Go-fuck-yourself D" she says and looks me in the eye and the whole class erupts into laughter, including Mrs Parker,

"I'll let you off for swearing this time Lucy because Logan deserved it but next time you wont be so lucky" she says after calming down,

"You've got abit of nerve haven't you Trouble?" I smirk

"I'll have more that abit if you mess with me again"

I think I just fell in love

"You don't like me? You're breaking my heart, Lucy" I say, sarcastically,

"No! Of course I like you after the first question you ask about me, is about the size of my tits so if you can just do us both a favor and mind your own business" she retorts, "Oh and, you don't get to call me Lucy,"

Yep, definitely in love

I was being sarcastic, I don't do love, and I DEFINITELY don't do love with Lucy Killer.

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