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Ah fuck I think as I pull the bottle out of my mouth, "you need to slow down Leah" I say to her,

"Can't keep up Logan?" she teases,

"I'll show you can't keep up" I growl,
I press the controller harder jerking when i crash,

"HA! I JUST BEAT LOGAN DE LUCA AT MARIO KART FOR THE" She counts on her fingers, "SIXTH TIME IN A ROW" My little sister sticks her tounge out at me,

"For a 6 year old you sure have a big mouth" I pick her up and put her on my shoulders,

"LOGAN PUT ME DOWN" she squeals and pounds at my head,

"NOT THE HAIR LEAH! NOT. THE. HAIR!" I shout as I put her down,

"Come on, its getting late, let's get you to bed,"

"But Mom and Dad aren't even home yet!"

"It's your first day of school tomorrow and if you're late then I'm late and I can't be late"

"You can just drive though!"

"Leah get your butt in bed before I carry you up myself" I threaten and she trudges up the stairs.

"Are you not coming?" she asks

"What?" I reply

"Mom said you have to read me a bedtime story"

"That can only happen if you get changed, brush your teeth and get in bed,"
She runs to her room and I stand outside it. A few minutes later, she comes out,

"I'm ready!" she says

"Teeth, Leah" I remind her and she rushed to the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later,
"Okay get in bed I'll be back in a few"

"Hurry up, Loggy" she rolls her eyes at me and giggles

"Don't call me that," I warn her and the demon rushes to her room again.

I go to my room and get my phone looking through my messages,
Zestiest man alive
and speak of the devil,

Bianca calls me and I pick up,

"Hey Bianca" I say,

"What. The. Actual. Fuck" she says,

"What did I do now?" I sigh,


"I am serious!"

"Logan baby-"

I cut her off,

"Don't call me baby"

"Well I think that as your girlfriend-"

I cut her off again,

"WOAH! Woah! Who said YOU were MY girlfriend?"

"We had a good time-"

"Yeah and thats all it was, a good time"

"What do you mean?" her voice cracks

Oh Christ

"Don't you dare fucking cry"

"Your girlfriend is crying-"

"We are not a thing Bianca, I'm sorry if I mislead you but, you know how I am, I don't do relationships"

"LOGGY!" I hear Leah shout from the other room

"2 minutes, Jelly Bean"

"Who was that?" she demands


"Who's Leah?"

"You want to date me but you don't know who Leah is"

"Who. Is. She?"

"My. Little. Sister"

"Then why'd you call her Jelly Bean?"

"That's none of your business"

"Fine go hang out with your gross little sister"

My blood boils and I clench my jaw,

"We are definitely never gonna happen now. Get that in your head." I say and cut the call.

"Coming, Leah" I say.

"What took you so long? I thought you died" she says putting a hand over her heart,

"Just some bitch called" I say and realised what I said

"SWEAR JAR!" she screams excitedly. I sigh, take a dollar out of my pocket and put it in a jar labelled Swear Jar,

"That's nearly full, Princess Leah, you might wanna give it to me for safe keeping" I smirk

"Touch my jar Logan De Luca and I'll show you that I'm not sweet like a Jelly Bean" she threatens me and I laugh,

"Budge up Bean" I say and she moves up, "Why is your bed tiny?" I try to squeeze in and end up with my feet off the edge,

"It's for a 6 year old not a 16 year old" she rolls her eyes at me again

"Yeah okay come here" she comes by my side and punches my arm,

"What now, Leah?"

"Go on start reading"

"Little fucker" I say under my breath,

"SWEAR JAR" she shouts.

. . .

I read her the story and she falls asleep, I go to my own bed and go on my phone,

7 missed calls from Bitchy Bianca

"Oh for fucks sake" I say and block her,

Thats that.


It's been two weeks since I've moved to Franklin, North Carolina from Birmingham in England, and lets just say, I have lost count of how many "Bottle of water" and ''It's CHEWSDAY innit?" comments I've gotten.

I lay down on my bed when my phone rings,

Luce, calling

"Yes, Luce?" Lucian Montgomery, my lovely cousin, who I am joining at school tomorrow. Yay.

"Let me talk to Lucian!" Leo bursts into my room,

"Leo get the fuck out!"

"Tut tut Lucy that is no way to speak to your older brother" Luce says shaking his head,

"Oh fuck off Luce or I'll tell all your friends at school that your mom calls you Lucy"

"Bite me Lucinda, they already know and they think, its badass"

"Shut your mouth before I rip out your vocal chords cause your American accent is just that annoying"

"Leo, a little help here" he says

"You're on your own Luce, say what you want about Lucy but she is terrifying" Leo replies

"Anyways Lucy, I've told all my friends about you and they've all said that you can come to us for anything"

"You're so embarrassing, why'd you tell your Rugby friends-"

"Fine FOOTBALL THEN, why'd you tell all your Football friends about me"

"Because then they'll know not to mess with you,"

"Oh for fucks sake Luce, get a life and stop obsessing over mine,"

"Do you want a bo'ol o' wa'ah?"

"Piss off Lucian"

"Love you too Lucinda"

"BYE" I say and cut the call

Let the torture begin

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