As far as clothes go, I still had to wear baggy clothes, but I used my best set. I wore white cargo pants with lots of pockets and a goalie jersey for a hockey team that had light blue colors. It looked pretty good as far as baggy looks go. I would much rather have worn a tank top or a white dress shirt over black jeans and shown my real self. 

As 7:00 approached my parents seemed very nervous. It was almost like they were having second thoughts about letting me go. I just could not understand why they were nervous. Its not like anyone was going to beat me up or anything, and I knew enough not to drink anything handed to me or out of a punch bowl or even to eat any cookies or candies. All these things could be spiked with drugs. Even if they were, I did not bring any valuable things with me so if someone wanted to rob me I would not lose much. Who would want to drug a fat guy anyway, unless it was just for laughs. Besides, nobody knew me. 

I stood out by the curb and eventually a blue car with its radio blasting came by and stopped in front. The windows were rolled down and people were whooping it up inside and laughing already. The rear side door flung open and Ray called out from the back seat, "Hey Cole, jump in!". 

I did just that and closed the door and immediately felt the excitement of the group in the car. Everyone was going to blow off steam from the week. The only objective was to have fun. There were three people in the front seat and three in the back. I don't think the front seat was supposed to hold three people but one guy was half sitting in the lap of the other one. They were fighting over what songs to play on the radio. I already smelled alcohol and one person held up a half empty bottle of vodka. 

"Hey, get rid of that!", another said. "You don't want the cops or anyone to see that in the car." Then he started to giggle and shove a third person. The guy on the other side of Ray in the back seat was talking about some chick's breasts and how fantastic they were. His main goal of the night was to get his hands on them. The guys were winking and smiling at me trying to get a reaction. I smiled back, but did not know any of these people. I really only knew Ray a little. At least he was more my age. Some of these other guys in the car were seniors, just like Lance, and seemed to have gone to a lot of these parties before. 

"Hey, is there going to be dancing?," I asked to make some conversation. 

"Yeah", the driver said. "We have some really great speakers and amps and one of Lance's friends is into all that electronic stuff. He also has wired up some lasers on scanners for a light show while dancing. You will like that. " 

"Of course the real action at these parties occurs in the shadows.", he continued. "That's were I do my dancing. Ha ha" 

"You gonna dance again with Julie?", another said. 

"Sure. Once she gets going there is no stopping her. She is really hot. I can't wait to get at her." 

"Okay, well it looks like we are here", the kid driving said. He rolled the car to a stop along the road in front of Lance's house. Most cars were double and triple parked as there was limited space. 

I expected a short trip because Lance only lived only about five miles from me. 

I stepped out and enjoyed breathing the fresh air. It was kinda close in that car. The sun was starting to set and I could already see flashing lights from within the house at the top of the driveway. Loud music was also booming out from the walls. There were already kids walking around with plastic red cups and some were littering the lawn. The garage was open and the front door was propped open. Behind the house there was a view of the ocean. It looked like some couples and groups were down by the water's edge. Some were on the lawn lying next to each other and others were on top of each other making out. 

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