Silly Spray Goodbye's...

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Jd's P.O.V

"Now, you're project for this session will be to do with you're group and how you and others will remember you. As its your last time here-"


The worker looked at me worriedly.

"It's your last time at summer camp, Jodie."

"Since when?"

"Since you started. Didn't you know?"

"Hell no!"

The worker carried on her explanation as I sunk lower into my chair. Sugar...where did the time go? Felix came to sit next to me once the worker left, leaving us to do the project.


"I HAVE AN IDEA!" I shouted before I would end up crying. This can't be ending!

Jacob's P.O.V

I held the camera above the girls, shooting a few pictures as they all grinned. Jd had drunk some red bull, removing the sadness...I think. I ain't good with soppy emotions. We decided our project would be one photo, although we still couldn't make our mind up on what one. Once I was done, Kaid had managed to find a worker to take a picture of us, leading him to us. I handed him the camera and sat on the fence, my arm draped around Laura. She giggled and kissed my cheek. Jd sat on the other side of me, linking arms with both me and Felix. Kaid sat on the other side of Laura, balancing K on his lap.

"Take your poses!" the worker announced and we all laughed. The couples kissed.

K's P.O.V


"We all look adorable!"

"Ha, look at Felix!"

"How did you balance her!?"

"Argh, embarrassing!"

"We should draw moustaches on everyone and-"


"Alrigh, alright!"

We all burst out laughing as we crowded round the huge photo of us all. It was amazing. But a painful reminder. I don't wanna go. Or leave the memories behind. And Kaid...he's the one. What am I gonna do!?

Felix's P.O.V

Kaid's gone of on his motorbike with K again. Laura and Jacob have locked everyone out the cabin as soon as we'd finished the photo project. And they left me with a hyper Jd.

"Feeeeelliiiiiix! Come find me!"

We were in the woods, next to the river. Jd was hiding behind a tree. I walked over and pulled her off the tree and kissed her.

"What was that for?" she whispered once I pulled away, her hands already messing with my hair. I didn't answer her and kissed her again, this time picking her up bridal style. We both pulled away, letting me walk halfway down the field to the flowers. I lay her down in Kaids heart of flowers and lay next to her. She entwined our fingers. I don't want her to let me go...

Laura's P.O.V

All we've done is watch a movie and sleep. Ok, so we kissed once half way through the movie, but waking up now, it's seemed to just dawn on me on how much I'm gonna miss all this. From Jacobs bed, I can still see the popcorn I accidentally spilled when we were watching Men In Black 3. Jd's earphones are tied to the bathroom doorknob (for some reason) and there's a stain near the door when the guys put all that stuff on K. Kaid seems to be stashing his new addiction to candy floss under his bed and Felix's mobile screen's cracked from when he chucked a hairbrush at it once we caught him singing into it. And I can feel Jacobs arms around me, a little tighter than needed. Im gonna miss his warmth and protection. Gonna miss it all.

Kaid' P.O.V

Everyone's playing cards while Laura's blasting out her music. Ready or Not by Bridgit Mendler has just came on and K's started to hum along. I've won the last two rounds, so I chose to risk it by puttin' my favourite sunglasses up to win. No ones really talked since the project ended. No one wants it to end. But I'm gonna have to change it- the silence, I mean. Our group has never been quiet for this long, it's gotta be a world record at the moment. And what good's it gonna do if we're all just moping around?! Let's get this party started!!!

Jd's P.O.V

"Where'd you get that from!?" I shouted and started to jump for it. Kaid had suddenly forced me to drink red bull and coke and now he's surprised us all yet again 'cus he's just pulled out Silly String. Silly String!!

"Carm down Jd!" K smiled, robbed the Silly String out of Kaid's hand and dropped it in my hands.

"YES!!!" I screamed and started to spray it everywhere. Everyone started to laugh and shout, the music blasting our ears off. Laura finds some leftover confetti from somewhere and starts chucking that around. And then someone picks me up and swirls me round and round and I laugh and I feel my blood jumping around and my mind filling with clouds. Felix starts to kiss me and everything just blocks out. Silence has came from no where and made a bubble around us, as we kiss passionately. I love this place...

Jacobs P.O.V

"Jacob wake up!"

I grumble into my pillow and feel a weight on my bed. Laura kisses my cheek and I turn to look at her. With the light behind her and her hair being so blond, she could easily be an angel.

"It's time to go, Jacob. We only have an hour left."

Sighing, I hold her by the waste and pull her next to me, getting her to lie down with me as I hold her. I can hear K talking to Kaid about his bike and Jd's singing as she has a shower. Felix is packing his bag, folding everything neatly. Hm, that's weird: Felix's is never tidy. Laura kisses my cheek again and pulls me out of bed with her, returning to her bag. From the random party we had last night, I have a headache. I sigh again and start to find some comfy able clothes for the ride home...

K's P.O.V

Half hour left. We've all been handed a miniature photo of our project, the bigger version hangin' in the classroom with our names underneath. I've packed my bag and left outside the cabin. Laura and Jacob are guarding it, talking quietly- which is both worrying and suspicious- but smiling. Jd's still trying to get the Red bull and coke out her system. All she did last night was spray Silly String and kiss Felix. Last night...that was the most amazing, random party ever!

Felix's P.O.V

We're all swapping last minute photos via Bluetooth on our mobiles. I've got loads of me and the guys, a few of the girls together but mainly of me and Jd. The only one I have of all of us is the project one. That was fun. My parents are due any minute. And even though I'm laughing at some of the pictures, I feel so sad I'm sure I have a cracked heart. Crap, I've gone all sloppy now...

Laura's P.O.V

We all sit on the fence, waiting. Kaid doesn't need too really, 'cus of his bike but he insists he's the last gone. Felix goes first, his Dad rumbling down the lane with his truck. He kisses Jd and hugs the rest of us, making sure we have his mobile number. Then there's K and I'm sure there's a tear in Kaid's eye. Jd goes after, practically pulling me along with her. Jacobs just before me. We kiss passionately and tell each other to ring. And now Moms here.

"See ya Kaid." I hug him and I'm off.

Kaid's P.O.V

I sigh and walk back towards the cabin. It's empty now, eerily quiet. There's just the furniture to occupy the room. I hope the next group will have just as much fun as we did. But I'm sure it's not ended- I won't let it. Hoisting my bag onto my shoulder, I jog back to my bike and put it into a compartment before setting off myself. I head towards the early morning sunset, looking into the future. Nothing's ended yet.

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