Winter Wonderland |b.e|

Start from the beginning

I remember the last time we were on this roof together. She'd gotten upset about something, one of the many disputes we've had. Suddenly, I turned around and she was just... gone. The only reason I was able to find her is because of a story she'd told me. She said that whenever she felt like things were becoming too much—when she felt restricted—she'd flee to wide open spaces.

Since we work in a building filled with people and machinery, the roof is the only place one can breathe. "I want to talk... about what happened back there" I lean on the concrete pole across from her and she glances at me before looking away. "Why?" She counters, "because—despite what you may think—I care how you feel and, if nothing else, I can't do this without you" I answer truthfully.

"Yeah, right" she scoffs, "why are you always so mean to me?" I blurt out before I can stop it. Her gaze quickly lands on me before averting to the ground in front of her. "I've tried my best to get along with you. I know you're not just some... asshole. You can be nice—so what did I do to you?" I continue, becoming increasingly frustrated and I hear her chuckle.

"Oh, so this is all a joke to you? Good to know" I scoff, "it's not—a joke" she clarifies and I cross my arms protectively over my chest. "You didn't do anything. We're just... very different people" she points out and I nod. "Hence why they put us together; opposites attract. Well, in this case, they probably needed to keep your big ideas in check" I chuckle and she laughs while nodding.

"But why is that so bad? We don't have to agree on everything to get along" I say and she shrugs. I can see she looks defeated by something, an expression I've only ever seen once before on her. "What's going on, Brie? You can talk to me" she just shakes her head, "it's nothing" she mumbles but I don't buy it. "It's not. I can tell something is bothering you" I persist and after a few seconds I hear her sniffle.

"Brie-" "just... please leave me alone. I'll be fine" she cries but how am I supposed to do that? I approach her cautiously until I'm close enough to wrap my arms around her. She doesn't hesitate to rest her head in the crook of my neck as I rub soothing circles on her back. "I'm sorry" she pants lightly as she tries to catch her breath, "shhh it's ok, don't worry about it" I whisper.

Eventually she pulls it together and stands up straight, not looking me in the eyes. At this point, I think we're sort of passed our existing boundaries so I just decide to go with what feels right. I take her face in my hands and dry her tears with a little extra part of the sleeve on my sweater. Her gaze meets mine and I smile warmly at her as she stares at me.

I see something on her nose and I reach out to brush it off with my finger, only for more to appear. My head is soon tilted to the sky, little drops falling on my face. "It's snowing" I whisper as I return my gaze to her face, only to find hers still resting on mine like before. "For as long as I can remember... I've always spent holidays alone" she breathes out and I stay quiet as she continues.

"I'm sure—no—I know it's because of my attitude, amongst other things. And before I met you... I didn't really have a problem with it; a bottle of good vodka was enough to keep me satisfied" she chuckles dryly and I search her eyes in confusion. "What I'm saying is... I never cared about the stupid party. I was only so difficult because it meant we could spend more time together" she shrugs.

"You could've just asked" I point out, "I was scared" she whispers with a shy smile. "I-I don't want to be alone anymore. And... the only company I want... is yours" she confesses in a barely audible tone. The snow falls heavier around us, coating the rooftop in a thin layer of white. "So?" she whispers shakily and I can tell by her breathing that she's nervous.

"So... we have a party to plan" I state and she nods, a small but sad smile on her face as she gets ready to turn around. "And then... maybe a date to plan?" I propose and she lifts her head swiftly, a smile twitching at her lips. "Really?" she asks in disbelief, "yeah" I whisper and nod to reinforce it. "Would it be too much if I asked to kiss you?" She blurts out and I grin widely.

"Isn't 'too much' kind of your forte?" I tease as I step closer to her and she blushes, biting her lip as she smiles. "Kiss me, silly" I permit and she pulls me gently by my waist, a lot gentler than I anticipated. She takes a moment to breathe and our eyes stay locked as she leans in. "You're so beautiful" her breath ghosts my lips, warming them from the slight chill of the air as she whispers.

"Same to you" I echo, feeling like a haze has suddenly come over with her proximity. Without further ado, her lips press against mine and I sigh contentedly from the first touch. They're even softer than I imagined and fit perfectly with my own. Even with the cold air surrounding us, I feel like I'm wrapped in blankets at the foot of a raging fire.

She pulls away slowly, almost reluctantly, and rests her forehead on mine. "I never imagined we'd be here... that I'd get the privilege of holding you like this" she mumbles and her tone is so sweet, I almost don't believe this is Brie I'm talking to. "You're incredible" I think aloud and she giggles cutely before pulling away to take my hand instead.

"Let's get this party planning over with" she sighs, "I thought you loved planning these things" I quip and she shrugs. "I'd much rather spend time alone with you—not working" she states, holding the door for me as we reenter the building. "Oh is that so?" I tease, looking back at her and she spins me around so my back is to the wall. "If it weren't obvious before... I'll make sure you know now" she whispers dangerously and I grin goofily.

"I love spending time with you... more than anything" she admits and I press a short kiss on her lips. "Then let's get to it" I insist and she nods, rushing us back to her dressing room. Alas, not much planning was done that day. A lot of kisses and cuddles were shared back at her penthouse that we retired to once the studio had closed.

However, I have to say we planned a pretty epic party in the end. It definitely had the flair that Brie brings with her no matter where she goes, but we managed to keep it cute as well. The next day we went on a date that went exceptionally well and ended in an... exciting nightcap. Needless to say, neither of us spent the holidays alone that year... or the next.

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