Chapter three

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Life can be cruel to some of us. I admire how rich people's children live their lives without a care in the world; they wake up every day to an already clean house, and they can drop dirt anywhere they want because we the "housemaids'" will come and pick it up, and they get to watch television. I used to watch TV in a few of the houses I worked in, but this house is an exception; they see TV as a distraction to us "maids." I didn't choose this life for myself; I want to spend each day doing what I want, not what others want for me.

I woke up today in a bad mood because Mother Nature decided to visit me. I would have stayed in bed all day if I were a wealthy woman, however, I got people to serve. Even though I was in excruciating pain, I had to work through it because they wouldn't even lend me an ear to talk about my illness. Amidst my numerous responsibilities today, one of my top priorities is requesting my salary. I slept with that thought in my mind.


After completing my work in the living room, I went to the kitchen to look into the chaos.  I glance into the kitchen, which appears unorganized with dishes scattered everywhere and the girls sprinting about attempting to cook food that may not even be edible. They will leave everything like that for me to clean and arrange, so the mere sight of the kitchen hurts my brain.

"Yauwa Hanne, come here," Ya Hannan said. I went into the kitchen and greeted them. She asked me to bring something from her room, so I went there to get it. After I got back, I started cleaning the kitchen to reduce my workload before they finished.

"Ke did I ask you to pick up that plate, nace miki nagama ne?" Fannah yelled, causing me to drop the plate. I'm not sure what's wrong with these girls; why would you be shouting at someone older than you, or is it because they pay me to work for them, but my salary is little with the work I do for them, Hajiya was initially offered 10,000 as my salary, but she bargained with the person who brought me down to 8,000, which is little considering the work I'm doing here.

"Ke Fannah she didn't even know you were working with it stop shouting" Ya Hannah interjected, This is ya Hannah for you, although she also sends me on errands, she is the nicest among the sisters. Let me give you a quick rundown of this family.

Hajiya is the first wife of Alhaji Musa, a businessman, he does most of his business in Abuja living hajiya and some of the kids in Kano. Ahmad, Hanan, Fannah, and Fatima are her four children. Hajiya is a reserved, uncommunicative woman. She doesn't mind yelling at us, her helpers, but she finds it difficult to correct her children when they act out.

Ahmad, the eldest son of Hajiya, is the most considerate of her children. Yaya, as his siblings call him, lives in Abuja with his father and stepmother. He respects and loves everyone in his life, regardless of age. His only problem, which Allah has bestowed upon him, is that he is an ADDICT.

The two spoilt brats, Fatima and Fannah, are in Ss3, and Hannah, the eldest daughter and sweetest of the sisters, lives in Abuja with her father because of school.

"Keh Hanne!" Fatima's annoying voice jolted me out of my reverie. I despise how she always says "keh" before calling my name as if I am an object.

I mentally groaned and rolled my eyes. "Yes?" I asked flatly. I'm not in the mood for her stupidity, and the cramps are getting to me.

"Why is our room not cleaned?" She shot, giving me a dirty look. I don't know what to say to her, I forgot about the room today because I was so tired, moreover, the house is too big for me to clean up, I wish Hajiya would bring another person, so I could get a helping hand.

"Why didn't you tidy up your room yourself?"Someone said from behind me. Alhamdulillah, I'm safe.


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