2 - Reawakening, Meeting the Autobots

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I don't know how long it's been.. I can't see.. I can't move.. I can't smell.. I can't breathe.. I can't hear anything.. I can only think.. I sense lifeforms around me, but I can't make them out..

I'm scared..

I still can't move, but I feel more energon going through my circuts to my arms and legs.. I still can't see.. I can only wait to what is to come.

Hours, days, weeks pass..

I can see colour.. that isn't green.. I'm not in a forest or jungle, that's for sure.. my optics flicker in a light shines right down on me. I can feel myself getting back into my spark again.

It then came to me.. My cryostasis is wearing off..

I can move my fingers.. I can see some colour, I'm trying to make out these moving specimens.. they look large.. bulky.. definitely not quiet as I gain my hearing sense, but I still can't speak or move the rest of my body. I feel my legs being moved.. it hurts, but I can't do anything.. I can begin to see things clearer as I hear a deep, accented voice by my side, probably one shining an artificial sun in my optics.

"We're getting a reaction. Keep it coming." I heard

This is all so crazy.. I've met cybertronians after everything.. I don't know how long it's been, but everything here seems a lot less.. well.. respectfully primitive from when I was last conscious.

Suddenly.. I gain my full vision.. There are about 4 cybertronians near me.. I'm looking straight up to the sky.. but it isn't a sky.. looks more like a rock or metal. The living creature near me is green, another one is blue, there's a yellow one too.. I spy a larger brown looking one in the bottom corner of my optics.

"The bot is alive at last." I heard the green cybertronian say. His voice sounded cold and uncaring, not that I'm used to it or anything. It just sounds a lot more accented than the others, and I genuinely need time to process the wording structure. He looked like he was wearing a flexible coat that went down to his ankle mechanics. If I managed to gain more of my optic senses, I could scan for more details, but for now, I can just view my surroundings.

More hours pass..

I overhear a conversation. But before I can process it, I managed to scan them. They aren't my species.. They're from a faction called the autobots. The green bean is named Crosshairs. The yellow fellow is B-127. Though he is yellow so I'll call him Bee for simplicity. The blue samurai is named Drift. I'm not gonna lie he seems to catch my eye more, but he is a bit quiet, so it's hard to pick up what he says.

I listened to a conversation.

Crosshairs: "She ain't movin Bee. We can't spend our time here trying to wake up some bot that seems to be in some sort of cryostasis still."

Yeah, right, you little barbarian. I am awake. Never mind can't call him little he is around 18ft and I'm 10ft.

Bee: "Give her a few more days.. We should at least try to inspect her spark for any sign of life. Or even vocal chords."

The yellow fellow Bee seems to be speaking in different accents and voices for each part of his sentence. But I'll ignore that for now.

Crosshairs: he turns to another bot "Hound for primus's sake, you're meant to be the medic. Get yourself over here."

Well, that's a new name. Sounds cool. Hound.. Hound.. Sadly, I can't speak yet, though. I'd live for the thrill of chiming into conversations that I'm not in.

The guy named Hound started inspecting my plates on my body. He then took a look at my insignia and handed crosshairs by the head.

Hound: "Take a look at this, then?"

Crosshairs: takes a moment to look before he flips his visor down to scan further "Dinoformer girl. Though those wiped out ages ago."

'Ah! Well done!' I tell myself.

I begin to awaken more. My legs could move, and I sparked up from the position I'm in. I looked around the enclosed space I was in.

Was it Meant to Be? (Crosshairs x Cybertronian OC)Where stories live. Discover now