1 - The ending of life 65 million years ago

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It is a normal day, I roam the land. My footsteps are audible and make vibrations in the fibrous plains. There has been an increase in the heat recently.. And I dont know why..

I spot an edmontosaurus in the distance.. I have not really seen it, but I can detect it there..

"Finally some free food." I mutter, my gaze resting on the scent of live meat in the distance. I creep towards it, making the lightest of grass rushing equivalent to a wind gust. All I need to do is lower my head, really. I figured getting into utahraptor form would make this more appropriate, so here I go.

Click click click, bing Bang Bosh.

'Good thing it doesn't see me' I tell myself. It's so close. Just a few more steps and..

I Step on a brach. 'Shit.' I say under my breath. The edmontosaurus makes a run for it. And I dash after it like it's the thing in the world.

Well, I wasn't entirely wrong. There's a giant fucking rock in the sky.

"What's the worst that can happen, eh?" I run after my live prey slithering closer and closer till I can make my jump on it. Go for the throat and snip snap.

Hours later..

That rock in the sky hasn't moved. I've just finished what I could make of my meal before some fat ass rex took it. Sigh it was probably a real one. Haven't seen many other of my kind for a few days now. Should I be panicking or what?

I decided to take my time to find some water and clean my blood coated snout, so I look a little less like i killed another living species. I mean, I did, but they don't need to know.

Something isn't right.. It's getting hotter, and that rock still isn't changing direction. I swap back to my bipedal cybertronian form and give it a quick scan.

"Holy. SH-" Well, all this time, I've been ignoring something that could kill me. "I've lived this long. I ain't dying yet! No way!" I scream out. I transform into the quickest thing I have, a troodon. Can't lie it is rat looking but at this moment in time. I couldn't care less.

I make my way as far as I could, faster than I've seen most dinosaurs run here. I find a cave, at least. Best I could find.

I'll stay here till- I felt a giant vibration in the ground. This isn't some rock. This was something surreal.. I don't know what I can do but freeze myself in time.. Is it worth a shot?

"Here goes something.." I say before I transform into my bipedal cybertronian form. I place my hands on my chest, enclosing myself in a deep fixture.

It is all black.

Short chapter since I would be craming in too much info on the days before meteor hits.

Was it Meant to Be? (Crosshairs x Cybertronian OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon