Chapter 1

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"I'll kill her!" He wisperd in anger.

"Aries!" Cando shouted. His vision was blurred. He felt wired.

"Aries!" Cando shouted once again. But he couldn't answer his call. The smoke was choking him. His eyes were heavy. 'The mighty hero' everyone called him, but as he layed there surrounded by the thick poisonous smoke, he didn't felt mighty at all.

"Aries." Candos voice had gotton weaker by this point. The smoke must have gotten him as well.

He closed his eyes. He was just too tired for fighting it by now.

When Cando finally got to him, he was already half to death.


"Shit Aries! Don't die on me." The familar voice was distant. Filled with panic.

The next thing he knew was the calming effect of the cold water. Someone was healing him. Cando was healing him.

"Aries. Can you hear me?" His voice was still distant but had gotten closer than before.

"Mhh" Aries responded. His voice was weak and shaky, but it was something.

"God, i thought i had lost you." Cando sounded relieved.

The felling of grass beneath him and cold air around him reassured him that he was still outside and not in some hospital.

He opened his eyes slowly and met Candos' eyes. He was sitting by his side and healed him with the water he had carried around all day.

Candos water-skills had helped him tons of times, although they always discosed whether or not Cando should carry around a heavy water bottel.

"Thank god you woke up. I don't know what i would have done if you didn't." Cando said, healing Aries last wounds.

"And thank god you were there. Maybe that water bottel was smart to bring after all." Aries responded, jokingly.

"You gotta listen to me next time. If you haven't noticed; I am always right." Cando smiked as he replied.

"Pfff, you think." Aries giggeld.

"Can you move?" Cando asked, suddenly serious again.

"I believe."

"Good." Cando stood up and held out a hand to him. Aries took his hand and got up on his feet again.

"Did you see where she went?" Aries asked.

"No. After she threw the smoke bomb, she just disappeared. I have zero idea where she went."

"That bitch!"

"But you gotta say, she is quite smart."

"I know. That's the problem!"

"We'll get her next time."



"A new attack found place yesterday. Eleven people are dead, and twenty-four people are badly hurt. The horrible event happened at the rangos centre, where our hero Aries tried to stop the mass murder Vega Macure. Witnesses say she was the one throwing the bomb and causing the poisonous smoke. The police and Aries are...." Aries was watching the news.

People were seeing him as a hero. Unstoppable. Little did they know that he was almost dead himself if it wasn't for Cando.

"You guys gotta do something. People are dying." Caster said. He was sitting on the other side of the couch.

"Well, if it was that easy, we would have done it month's agos." Cando replied, annoyed, sitting in the chair. They were all watching the news

"Chill, bro. I just say, if it was me..."

"But it wasn't you, so shut up!" Cando interrupted.

"Rude." Caster narrowed.

"Are you guys gonna ever stop fighting?" Aries asked, irritated.

"Well, if he wasn't that angry for no reason, then maybe." Caster said, provocating.

"Me? Is it my fault now?! Maybe you could show up next time!"

"Guys, stop!" Aries interupted. "There is nothing any of you can get from a fright against each other. We gotta stay together if we shall stop Vega."

"Well, next time you could try killing her. Can't be that hard with that power of yours." Carster said mockingly.

Aries took in a deep breath and ignored him. He would get nothing from discussing with Caster. Caster wouldn't get it anyway.

"So what? Are you just ignoring me now?" Caster asked, provoking.



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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 23 ⏰

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