7• why now?

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Shoyo while going with Rin to the train station exchanged some random conversation about what they expect from their upcoming school year. As the train station approached both cousins turned to each other and said their goodbyes.

"Bye Shoyo, be careful on your way back, its already dark now. I'll see you next week."

"Bye Rin ni" Shoyo smiled and waved his hands cheerfully as the train doors were closing.

Shoyo's day was a happy one, but he didn't expect it to suddenly change into something grim. He didn't know his one decision to take a shortcut would make him remember his worst memories again after so many months of not having to worry about them. He was getting better.

Damn it. Why now?

The scene that sent Shoyo spiralling was that of a drunkard asshole trying to assault a young girl who seemed terrified. But this neighborhood was not exactly a good one. Shoyo knew that but he still took it as it was a shortcut and it wasn't even that dark. He was faced with a dilemma if he didn't do anything, the girl might have something undesirable happen to her but but....he despised alcoholics, he was afraid of them.

Alcoholics are unpredictable, they're demons, sucking the life out of you for their greed. They're selfish. They're unnecessarily true and spit harsh venom that make you want to curl up and die. They're cruel and violent aggressors who don't care about what happens to anyone around them. They make Shoyo disgusted and he gets the urge to murder each one of them. But he can't because the part of Shoyo that has faced the abuse of an alcoholic knows only too well that it will only hurt if he protests and he is powerless to do anything against them.

But Shoyo has always been selfless and stupid and before he knew what he was doing, his shaking form was already rushing towards the alcoholic and grabbing the man by the collar.

"Just what do you think you're doing, you asshole, get off of her." Shoyo struggled to get the man to leave the girl alone as the man was bulky and taller than Shoyo.

As Shoyo succeeded at getting the man off of the girl, he pushed the man hard causing his balance to falter in his drunk stupor and the guy fell on his ass on the concrete. Shoyo quickly turned and urged the girl to run.

The girl was still shaken up but nodded. "Tha-nks a lot for your help. Thank you." She bowed and hurried away.

Just as Shoyo calmed his breath and was about to hurry away the man on the ground grabbed him from the leg causing him to fall down.

"Ouch" He looked up only to see the alcoholic now standing up and advancing towards him while spilling slurring over his words. Disgusting. Shoyo was scared. His earlier courage long gone, he was now backing up towards the wall of the alley they were in.

"you piece of shit, you stole my good time away with that hot chick. you gotta pay for it now." The alcoholic grabbed Shoyo by the chin while muttering this. But then as he thought the alcoholic was just going to punch him, the bastard started caressing his face while not loosening his tight grip on his chin. "well you're a beauty yourself it seems young little boy..." the man licked his lips. "you will do too." Shoyo froze at the words.

(trigger warning ⚠️ : sexual abuse)

This can't be happening. No no no no no not this not this anything but this...


"Shoyooooo~ be a good little boy and keep quiet about this understand son? or you know right what will happen to Natsu and your mom?" The demon of his life, none other than his father's voice whispered to him in the darkness of his room. His father's breath reeked of alcohol. Shoyo felt disgusted. At himself for not protesting and at the bastard for doing what no father would do to their children. He rather preferred the beatings but he couldn't wake up his mom today not when she was already suffering from an infection and fever after the last beating she had to face from his bastard of a father.

Better him than mom or worse Natsu. He won't let anything happen to his sister. He would die before he allows this man to touch her.

He was scared though. He didn't like the touches, he hated it. He didn't understand all of it but he sneaked a look at google and he understood what was happening to him. He was being abused. Sexually and physically abused by his own father. Their family was a victim of domestic violence and sexual harrasment.

He clenched his eyes shut while the demon of his life caressed his chin, hair and then his lips with one hand while the other roamed his body. Eventually the man roughly claimed his lips while Shoyo refused to give him entrance. But then the bastard bit him leading him to wince in pain and opening his mouth a tad bit that later had the man ravage his mouth with lust and desire. He hated it. He hated the feeling of alcohol in his mouth, he hated the disgusting smell, he hated his situation. 

He let his mind shut down and dissociated unwilling to witness the events happening to him, he didn't want to stay in reality if reality meant this.... after what felt like hours but mere minutes, he felt his father move away from him leading him to come back to reality only to find the man has finally crashed under the influence of alcohol.

Shoyo let out the cry he was holding in and muffled the sound in his pillows and released all his emotions and tears silently in the darkness of the night with noone there to soothe away the pain to drive away the demon that did this to him.


"NOOOO! STAY stay awa-y from me." Shoyo curled up in fear and tried to move away from the man but in vain. It just resulted in the man tightening his grip on his chin. Shoyo shakily tried to punch him and tried to escape but his panic was making him clumsy and unable to overcome his fear of being assaulted by this man. His past still terrified him, he did escape it but he has yet to accept that broken part of him and  heal completely.

"HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP I-" He was stopped from further calling out for help by his assaulter who had covered his mouth. The man leaned in closer and started sucking on his neck making Shoyo hysterical and start to panic. He was starting to lose his fight and just wanted to dissociate.

When all hope seemed lost, help came in the form of a boy who seemed around 6ft tall. The boy dragged his assaulter by the collar and kicked the man in his shin leading him to lose balance and proceeded to kick him harshly in the groin intending to make the scum of a man unable to reproduce.

"scum like you have no need to be able to reproduce in future." the blonde boy tsked and kicked the man further who groaned in pain and seemed to finally faint to unconsciousness under the influence of alcohol and the harsh kicks.

Shoyo's heart filled with hope and warmth for the boy who helped him. Seems like ...not everyone is a monster huh?


(a/n: So any guesses? who is the boy who helped Shoyo and what events would this lead to? also you get some insight into Shoyo's past. His father is  trash and a dirtbag and i will show no sympathy for him. Dont worry imma make him suffer if he decides to appear again. More on Shoyo's past will be discussed soon. There will be individual chapters on just describing his past so don't worry but yea they will contain sensitive and triggering stuff so read at your own risk. I haven't written anything like this before so i hope you readers will correct me if i need to improve on anything. Love ya guys. Happy reading.)

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