I want to scream.

I was just sitting with Motaz. We had prayed Dhuhr. We were resting near a dilapidated building that was someone's house. Motaz tried to joke how the mother would have a hell of a time cleaning it up. We both pretend she's not buried beneath the rubble.

then an explosion and everything went dark.

I open my mouth again and try to scream out Motaz's name the way i used to. I need to get to him. I need to help him. I need to protect him.

The cement settles into my nostrils and throat and I cough out. I look back and there's a block of concrete on my leg. I wave my arms to push the white cloud back enough for me to see clearly and the relief punches a hole in my throat. Two slabs of the wall had managed to form a contorted pyramid and the rods sticking out created a maze just shy of skewering my leg. My foot isn't being crushed, it's just stuck between the concrete.

I twist and wriggle to try to get it out but it's no use. I place both palms on the concrete and the rough surface digs into my palm and threatens to draw blood. I ignore it and push and the concrete digs deeper. My foot slides out and I hop away.

Panting, I look back and almost topple over. The building we were sitting against was completely crushed. It looked like it caved in on itself. Like a can that was stomped. A can of concrete and metal rods that could hold up a hundred reduced to nothing.

Without a second thought I drop to my knees and start digging.

Ya rab ya Allah ya rab arjook arjook ya rab

I jump up and run to a mound and drop to my knees again. My bones vibrate as I hit the concrete and I can barely make out the searing pain as I pull up blocks and slabs of concrete and bricks and rods .

I push myself up and slip and crash into the rubble. the left side of my face is burning but I don't care.

I can't even scream. I can't do anything. What if he's shouting?! How can I know where he is?

My lips part and I try to scream as I keep digging.

Ya Allah akhooyi ya rab la la la

A searing jab in my palm makes me yank my hand up and blood dribbles down. I look down and there's a shattered frame. The people in the picture are splattered with my blood. I can't see their faces beneath the red drops. I can't tell if it's my blood or theirs. I don't realize im still digging when I feel something grab my shoulder.

'Leave me!' I want to shout but im certain all that comes out is garbled sounds. 'My brother is in here! My brother is in here! Leave me! Leave me! LET ME GO!

There's a big slab of concrete and I wrap my arms around it. arms grab me and yank and I fall back hard.

My eyes are still glued to the concrete and I crawl forward when fingers grip my face and im forced to look away.

Motaz stares at me, his face white with debris and his other hand grips my shoulder to hold me back and I cry out and lunge at him.

His chest is vibrating and I know he's saying something but I can't hear over the whistling but I couldn't care less. My hands turn white as I ball his jacket in my fist and im shaking with relief. We're both shaking. I pull back and Motaz is still shaking. The concrete has mostly settled now.

For a second everything in the world seems alright, as messed up as it is.

Motaz is still shaking and his lips keep muttering words I can't hear but I don't care. He's alive he's Alive he's alive alive alive alive

Something moves over his shoulder and I lean forward to make sure I wasn't seeing things when my stomach drops.

A hand is peeking out from the rubble and it waves shakily.

Motaz looks and me and we both know what to do.

The buzzing is back.

We both start running.


I haven't written anything in months and this has been in my drafts for just as long so I decided to publish it (my writing is rusty so please forgive the mishaps)
this book is made of fiction based on actual events happening and those which have happened as we speak
Osdood and Jaleel are just to remind us that Palestine exists
This may not be my best work
But it is enough
I'll try to post more chapters consistently so keep an eye out
And don't forget to pray and fight for Palestine and Gaza
The quotes/sentences at the top of every chapter are words that the Palestinians have said
Don't forget Palestine
Leve Palestina

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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