Chapter Sixty-Four

Start from the beginning

A picture of a golden goblet fills my vision; an octagonal base stretches up to a donut-shaped middle with spikes, which leads up to a cylindric shape, a badger indented into the design, and two handles curve up the sides of it, the goblet surrounded by dark walls.

"I know where it is!" I call, looking behind Harry and turning him to face the direction of it.

"They've added the Gemino curse. Everything you touch will multiply," Griphook reveals.

"Give me the sword." Hermione lifts the sword from inside her bag, tossing it over to Harry.

Harry's arm that clutches the sword is held stretched out towards the goblet, my hands flying to my ears when an echoing rattle fills the room.

That items begins to double, and quadruple and so on, other items that bounce around following the rules of the Gemino Curse.

Taking a few steps back and removing my hands from my ears, Mione's voice causes my body to seize up.

"Stop moving!"

As we three freeze, so does every object that had previously been doubling, my heart calming as I glance around the vault for Harry.

My heart leaps out of my chest as Harry leaps from a mountain of doubled items, a perfect sigh keaving my lips.

"Got it!" Harry exclaims, his body falling between Mione and Ron. Harry moved his arms in circles like a swimmer, Griphook's hand lifting the precious goblet from the floor.

"We had a deal, Griphook," Harry reminds him, his eyes staring daggers at the Goblin.

"The cup for the sword," Griphook bargains, Harry says quickly tossing the sword to the Chosen One. Griphook, now facing me, chucks the cup to me and I clutch it tightly in my hands and shuffle towards the door. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out."

"Griphook!" Harry screams.

I grip the handle of the goblet in my mouth and transform into a St Bernard, lunging at the door of the vault. Quickly transforming back into myself I stretch my hand out, Harry quickly clasping it before I drag him out. I do the same for Ron and Hermione, all four of us dashing out and closing the vault door behind us.

"Griphook!" Harry calls again, Mione, Ron and I following him to a flight of stairs. As Griphook is nowhere in sight, Bogrod's wide eyes stare at us, a thumbs up held towards us. Removing the goblet from my mouth, I wipe it clean on my sleeve, wearing it like a bracelet on my wrist and letting it dangle.

"That old git. At least we've still got Bogrod." Just as Ron finishes the words, the giant Ironbelly sucks in a large breath, shooting Bogrod with a spiral of fire, nothing but ash sitting where he just was.

"Oops," I sarcastically comment, chuckling.

Gasping and hastily ducking under cover, guards stand in formation ahead of us, spells bouncing off the walls and all around us.

"We can't just stand here. Who's got an idea?" Hermione asks.

"You're the brilliant one," Ron argues.

"I've got something but it's mad," Hermione swiftly adds. "Reducto!" she yells, then bolts towards the guards.

My eyes widen as she jumps over the edge, landing on the enormous Ironbelly and clemched its scales, pulling herself up and confortably.

"Well come on then," she calls out.

"Sick!" I scream in delight, immediately running after her and leaping at the dragon, using its scales to pull myself up comfortably. Ron and Harry folloe pursuit, Hermione pointing her wand towards the great Dragon's chains.

"Relashio," Mione casts, the chains cracking and the Dragon breaking free.

The creatures large eyes narrow at the ceiling above us, its body, like an arrow, shooting upwards and crashing into the ceiling, the ground floor now level with us.

The Ironbelly spits fire from its gigantic mouth, climbing to the roof and shattering the beautiful glass ceiling. As it scans the view ahead of it, Mione casts another spell at it, an ear-splitting roar causing my hands to press against my ears again.

"Hold on," Mione warns, my hands gripping tighter to this magnificent beast.

The leviathan forces itself to the sky but pummels down into a house nearby, a few tears visible in its wings. It, again, shoots to the sky and begins flapping its immense wings, soaring through the tall blue skies.

"That was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" Ron exclaims.

"Mione, how did you even think of this?" I ask, a small smile on the girl's cute little face.

'The goblet, where is it?" Harry interrogates, glancing around.

"I've got it. Don't get your nickers in a twist. Accio messenger bag," I call, placing the goblet into my newly arrived bag for safe-keeping.

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