Chapter Twenty

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-Three Days Later-

I excuse myself to my dormitories, picking up a book and looking at my alarm. 8:53.

I wait impatiently for everyone to resume to bed, and check which page of my book I am on. Reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them again, I'm almost finished.

I quickly pick up another book and place it in front of me on my bed. I turn to the Wideye Potion that Cedric so generously provided, thinking I would be working on homework. Bless his poor soul.

I take another small sip just in case, then gently place it onto my bedside table, continuing the book.

-00:00 That Night-

Slipping swiftly out of my bed, I open the common room door as quietly as I can, tip-toeing over to the common room.

I do a once over, then head to the door, cautiously exiting. Just like they said, both my sisters are standing there, leaning on the opposite wall.

"Oh. Honestly thought you'd have forgotten," Eclipse says, Leila giving her a look.

Leila hands me a Mandrake leaf.

"Keep this in your mouth until October thirtieth, midnight," Leila commands.

I nod before they walk off.

Quickly entering my common room again, I almost run up to my dorm. Staring at the leaf for a few moments, I glance at my alarm. 00:03. I put the leaf in my mouth, and wait for it to be wet enough to line against the right side of my cheek, pressing it down firmly with my tongue.

I grab out some homework, knowing I still don't be able to go to sleep.

-Next Morning-

Stretching awake, I touch my tongue to the right of my mouth. The leaf is still there, thank Godric.

I quickly pull on my robes and head down for breakfast while excitedly humming along to Beat It, Cedric sitting at the Hufflepuff table.

Both my sisters catch my eye, and they're both staring harshly at me. I tap my right cheek two times and give them both a thumbs up.

I make my way to Ced, pressing a kiss to his cheek before sitting down.

"Hello, kind sir," I tease, smiling wide at him.

"Hello, most elegant lady. How did you get on with homework?"

"Oh, I got some Transfigurations homework and Potions homework done. Thank you so much for the potion. I don't know what I'd have done without it," I smile, hugging him.

"It's really no problem, Cass. I'm glad I could help. But, I'd like to ask why your siblings are worried about your cheek."

"Which one?" I joke, chuckling before placing a hand on his arm. "I punched myself in the cheek by accident." My lips form a grin.

Ced bursts out laughing, grabbing my arms to steady himself.

"How in Merlin's name do you punch yourself?" Ced gets out in a fit.
I can't believe this is my friend. Godric, she's so cute but such an idiot.

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