Chapter Thirty-Five

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I spot Leila and Eclipse watching over me with a smile, Leila's hands to her chest in an 'awe' position.

I gesture to her for Freddie and he looks, waving once he sees her. She waves back, and I stick my tongue out at the two girls, giggling as they do it back.

Leila is wearing a stunning red and black dress, her hair also down. Her eyelids are a gorgeous scarlet and she has black lipstick, blush across her cheeks.

 Her eyelids are a gorgeous scarlet and she has black lipstick, blush across her cheeks

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"You really do look beautiful, Love."

"Thank you," I say, my cheeks feeling on fire. "You look very sexy, as always. Don't let that inflate your ego even more than it already is."

He puts both hands to my waist and lifts me up with the other girls before returning his hands to a waltz.

About a few minutes go by before the music changes to The Weird Sisters, everyone immediately dancing like it's no one's business to the song.

Freddie points his long arms to the crowd, and that's when I see Flitwick crowd-surfing. I chuckle and smile before vibing hard to the song, Freddie taking my hands and dancing crazy.

We leave the insane crowd and Freddie goes to get drinks for us. I quickly approach Hermione just as Krum kisses the back of her hand before leaving too.

I take her hands and hold them tightly, giving her a hug and grinning ear to ear. We sit with Ron and Harry, who look bored out of their minds.

"Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?" Hermione asks, her cheeks a little pink.

Ron looks up a little and at her, slumped in his seat.

"No, we'd not care to join you and Viktor."
How dare she have a good time while we're here with the only people we could find. Her and Cass. I thought they were our friends.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asks, clearly disturbed by Ron's distasteful tone.

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy."

"The enemy? Who was it wanting his autograph?" Hermione asks, Ron looking away. "Besides, the whole point of this tournament is International Magical Cooperation. To make friends."

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind," Ron spits, a gasp making its way out of my throat.

"Ronald!" I yell, standing.

Hermione gets up and goes to leave, but turns back to the boys. She thinks better of it and leaves, Ron looking very pissed.

"Just because you haven't had a very... fruitful evening, does not mean you get to ruin hers."

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