Chapter 20- This Life

Start from the beginning

Like last night, everything smelled incredible, so rich with so many spices.

Which means like last night, it would upset my stomach.

I was still not used to Auradon food, most of the time at school sticking to bread and fruit.

Grabbing a small amount of food, I picked away at it, mostly staying quiet.

"You aren't eating very much Iduna. Take some more, we have a long day," Elsa said, and I froze.

"Um, I'm alright," I said, still picking away.

"Is it not good? Is there something else you would like?" Anna asked quickly, watching my expression carefully.

"No it's not that. It's just. It's really sweet. And rich. If I eat too much I think I'll just throw up," I said, and they looked confused.

"It's not? This is just fairly normal," Agnarr said, and I glared at him.

"Normal for you. Unless you have forgotten I grew up on an island with all of your rotting leftovers. Fruit doesn't exist," I snapped, sounding harsher than I meant to.

They all paused, staring at me.

I froze for a moment as they all looked at me with a pitying look.

"I'm going to saddle up Kenneth. I'll see you at the stables," I stood up too quickly, knocking my chair over backwards.

Not looking back, I stalked out the big doors, finding my way to the stable.

I already made a fool of myself and the day was just starting.

As I walked into the stables, I saw a young stable boy, pitching hay into some stalls.

Walking through, I looked at all the matching Fjord horses, carefully looking for the one I knew.

"May I help you ma'am?" The young boy asked, looking at me nervously.

"I'm just looking for Kenneth. I know he came back on the ship with me," I responded, and the boy smiled.

"He's just over here, I will get him ready for you," he said quickly, grabbing a halter and darting into one of the stalls.

"I can do it myself," I snapped again, and he looked like he was in a mental battle as he went to hand me Kenneth's rope.

"Are you sure your majesty?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I will fetch the saddle and bridle for you. The brush is right over there," he said, darting off again.

"Hey buddy," I said softly to Kenneth, and he gave me a gentle nicker.

"I missed you too. This is all so crazy. It's only been a couple of days and I already feel like I'm loosing my head," I muttered, brushing him down.

His nose gently nudged my back, his eyes soft as he looked at me.

"I know. I know they care I just. I don't know."

"Are you alright your majesty?" The stable boy asked, saddle in his arms.

"Um yes, thank you for grabbing that," I said, reaching out to take it from him.

"Oh it's alright I've got it."

"Am I not allowed to do anything by myself anymore? I'm just supposed to sit around doing nothing?" I snapped, and the poor boy looked so afraid.

I glanced down, seeing the ice tendrils curling up around my boots, and there were some on the walls and ceilings as well.

Freja came up, rubbing her head into my hand, and working on making eye contact.

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