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I cant belive we got this to top three in #onk tysm for your support!

(Kana POV)

"You heard it correctly" i said witha bitter tone.  I was kinda upset that i put up the act with him as well, i ran out of reasons to be jealous of ruby, and i was feeling sorry.  So whenever i didnt feel jealous, i would make a act for it.

"Why do you hate ruby, Arima?"

"Its simple, she always take the spotlight, and she's nice, and pretty, stuff i dont have, i mean anyone would be jealous of her"

hopefully it sailed correctly, i still put up a jealous rude act.  I felt bad for ruby, she lost her mother and now she lost a close friend.  But i relate too, my mother left me out of spite and i ended ties for one of my close friends...  

(aqua pov)

"I could understand why Arima would be jealous, but something wasnt adding up right.  it was almost as if she was acting and putting truth into her words, as if she's trying to convince herself" i thought to myself.  

"Arima tell me the truth"

"God Aqua, why cant you just move on?  It has nothing to do with you"

i was kinda hurt at her words it was strange though.  I didnt want to argue with her since she was the reason why i was able to get Hikaru behind bars, but i was most likely the reason why she got in harms way to begin with...


chapter 12


love you  


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