𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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K: Your eyes...

A: What about my eyes? :-:

K💭: I can't tell him he had a star in his eye!

K: *cute pout*

K: Not telling!

A: What is is it Arima

K: No

A: Then this is wasting my time

A: Ill be taking my-

K: *Holds hand*

A: *looks at Kana*


K: Y-Your e- e- eyes are ver-y p-retty...

A: Your studdering I can't understand you :-:

K: * saids it again in a very silent whisper*

A: Now your too quiet 

A: *leans down to look at her properly*

K: *hides face*

A: Arima say it again and lift your face so i can see you


A: Arima

K: 0//0

A: *Holds her face straight*

k: *cute blushing face*

k: *cute blushing face*

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A💭: Cute...

A: Now...

A: Tell me about my eyes

K: Why do you wanna know?

A: Because an opinion by you,  is Probably a good one.

K: *blush*

A: now tell me, please~

K: *pout*

K: I-i think your eyes look pretty...

K: *Blush*

A: *slightly shocked*


A:*lets go of her face*

A: so that's what you think...

K: Im sorry if that upset you...

A: No,  it didn't Im actually quite happy

A: *smile*

A: I should get going

K: Ok...

K: *actually quite sad he's going*

A: Your sick and have a high fever you need rest...

K: ok

A:*puts hand on her head*


A: *whispers in ear*

A: When i get back tomorrow morning...

A: You better not be dead...

K: *Blush*

K: Aqua...

A: Cya tomorrow morning Arima!

(Aqua leaves)

K: *blushing very hard*

K💭: That was...

K💭: Very hot... 😳


K: Oh, he left his phone...

K💭: I'll give to him tomorrow!

(1 hour later)

K: *sleeping*

Phone: *BEEP*

K: what?

Phone: *BEEP*

K: It's Aqua's Phone...

K💭: Should i look who it's from?


Phone: * one message from Akane Kurokawa *


K: *Sleeping*

K: *opens eyes*

K: a-

K: Ai-San

AI: *smile*

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