"Let's go!!" I shouted, breaking the silence. Amber looking good, she was wearing a black jacket over a gray hoodie with black tee inside. She covered her messy blonde with her hoodie... But my baby Yuri looks better.

We walk to Yuri's car,"Amber." Yuri called her and threw her car key to Amber. She caught it easily.

"Drive," Yuri command. Yuri opened the back seat door for me. I just went in without saying a thing. Yuri sat beside Amber. The ride wasn't long. Am and Yuri talk a little bit as I rested my eyes for awhile. They decided to go to random club near my house area which is not far from their house.

Amber parked the car perfectly and then we walk into the club. Amber was behind me, Yuri led us into the club. I was holding into Yuri's hand. Kinda scared, just a little bit. Then I think Amber realised that I was scared, she put her hand on my back and gave me the 'nothing will happen' look.

The music was loud. The crowd was having fun, jumping , dancing on the dance floor. We walk to the side where there's seats. We took on table to ourselves. Amber went to order drinks for us, leaving me and Yuri. Yuri is already looking at the dance floor, her fingers were tapping the table following the music beat. Amber came with two cups of alcohol with her, then she went off again to take her drink.

"Finish up the drinks before we dance, anything can happen if you leave your drinks on the table," Yuri kinda shout to my ears because the music was loud.

Amber came back with a bottle of beer on her hand. We both look at her drinking the beer like crazy. She can handle liquor very well unlike me. I get drunk easily.

Amber POV

I was gulping the beer all the way without stopping until a hand trying to stop me from drinking.

"Don't drink too much Amber," Yuri's hand on my forearm. I put away the bottle and and went to the dance floor. I dance with some ramdom people for quite some time, then I my head suddenly felt like being shot. I walk slowly to our table while holding my head.

"Are you okay?" Jess hold my shoulder.

"I'm heading outside for a bit. My head is killing me," I walk out of the club and sat on a bench outside the club. I massage my neck, maybe I'm just tired. I decided to take a walk because people kept coming in and out and that irritates me. I walk into a dark alley. It was quiet. I close my eyes and lean on the wall.

I open my eyes as I heard footsteps coming very fast. I saw a girl walking really fast, she seem scared...

Krystal POV

Unnie is not coming back. I'm super bored. Usually unnie will disturb me or play with me. I kept walking in and out of the kitchen doing nothing.
Maybe I should go for a walk. I change my clothes, a long pants and a pull over. I only took my purse and and my phone with me. I get out of the house, lock the door and went to a park near my house.

I sat on a bench in the middle of the park look at the sky. Watch the clouds moving, covering the moonlight. I sat there for half an hour. Until I footsteps, I stood up and walk to I don't know where. I was hearing if the footstep was still there or not. I bravely turn and saw two man watching me from quite a distance. I start to freak out. I walk as fast as I could getting out of this park. Why is there no one here tonight????

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