Prologue-[The Red Bear and the Eagle]

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Before this story start i would like to thanks the people in my group who helped in the making of this novel:

Itchy-Hunter(Dude contributed to the work the most)

15nd of May 1975, 10:23 PM
The White House

President Gerald Ford sat in his Oval Office, his brow furrowed with concern. The withdrawal of the Vietnam War had been a difficult decision, and now, with the country seemingly cut off from the rest of the world, save for their northern neighbor, Canada, who was in a similar predicament, he couldn't help but feel even more stressed.

His secretary, a woman named Betty, entered the office, her face pale with fear. "Mr. President, we just got word that we've been transported into a different world. There's been a sighting of a Kraken near Hawaii, and it's been confirmed by our military."

Ford's eyes widened in disbelief. "A Kraken? Are you sure, Betty?"

"Yes, Mr. President. The USS Meredith Destroyer just reported that they killed it using it's RUR-5 ASROC underwater."

USS Meredith (DD-890)

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USS Meredith (DD-890).

Ford leaned back in his chair, his thoughts racing. "Who could have done this? The Soviets?"

Betty's voice trembled as she replied, "I don't know, Mr. President. But, we've never encountered a creature like this before. We need to find out how they got here and what they are."

Ford sighed deeply, his eyes still fixed on the distance. "We must remain calm and gather as much information as we can. We need to reach out to our allies and see if they've experienced anything similar. This could be a threat to our entire world."

Betty nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Yes, sir. I'll start contacting our allies immediately."

As Betty left the room, Ford continued to ponder the situation. He knew that he had to act quickly. The sighting of a Kraken was a sign that their world was no longer safe. He needed to assemble a team of experts to study the creature and find a way to protect their country.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Secretary of Defense, Donald's Rumsfeld. "Donald, I need your assistance. You should've received a report of a Kraken sighting near Hawaii no? I want you to assemble a team of experts to study this creature and find a way to protect our country from any potential threats."

Secretary Donald's voice was stern and resolute. "Yes, sir. I'll assemble a team right away. We'll do everything in our power to protect the nation, I promise you that Mister President."

Ford leaned back in his chair once more, his mind racing with thoughts of the potential dangers that lay ahead. He knew that the next few days would be critical in determining the fate of their world. As the President, he was responsible for the safety of his people, and he would do whatever it took to ensure their survival.

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