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it's the weekends which means it's seunghans party, I really didn't wanna go but Jimin and shotaro begged me to come.i didn't even know what the dress code was-ah I'm so tired.

                                    Losers gc🔥😋

                      Hey seunghan! What's the dress
code for the party?

Hey!girls are gonna
Wear dresses n stuff but
just wear whatever makes
You comfortable:)

Okay thank you!

Okay the dress...uh what do I wear?I was looking at my closet with a blank face. I barely owned any dresses. I dug deep in and finally found a black dress with little glitter on it. This will do ig. Not until I realised it was short... i quickly ran downstairs to show my mom the dress. "Do you think this dress would be good for a party?" I asked my mom. "Yes I think it looks great on you!" She complimented. "But don't you think it's too short?" I questioned. "No just wear some shorts underneath you'll be good" my mom said.I nodded.
I ran back up to my room.

I was calling Jimin and we were talking about the dresses she said she had a pink dress with sequins on it. It looked cute on her. I showed her mine and she gasped. "Girl your body looks so good on that I bet everyone is gonna stare at you" she giggled. "I bet shotaro is gonna stare at you" I smirked. She became a blushing mess whenever she heard his name. We talked for a while and it was getting dark so I decided to get ready.

I did a little makeup and put some lipgloss on. I actually looked good in a long time. I got my purse and put my phone,wallet and other necessities.
I went downstairs to be greeted by my parents. "Aww you look absolutely beautiful y/n" my mom said admiring my face. "Who are you going with?" My dad asked he's very protective over me. "I'm going with shotaro" I said. "Ah then that's fine he's a good guy,call us if you need anything" my parents said as I waved goodbye to them. I was outside and I saw shotaro, "heyy ready for the party?" He said and I nodded. He was wearing a black suit which I assume every guy was  gonna wear. "Just wait a little we're gonna go in my friends car"he said and I nodded.

Few mins later a red car came by and stopped I saw Wonbin in the drivers seat. "Looking good y/n!" He complimented as I smiled at him. Shotaro sat in the passenger seat while I sat at the back having no clue that eunseok was there- I was greeted by his stare like always. The car started and I looked out the window. "Hey" a cold voice whispered into my ears. I turned around to see eunseok. "I'm sorry if I've made you really uncomfortable I didn't mean to" he said. "It's okay!" I smiled back. But damn he was looking fine- his hair was slicked back and he was wearing a suit like all the other guys-no I don't even know him what am I thinking?!?!. "Seems like you guys are gonna get along" shotaro said out of nowhere. We all just laughed it off.

We made it to Seunghans house and man it was huge. I saw Jimin outside the door and she quickly came and hugged me. "You look absolutely stunning" she said giggling. "No you look even better" I said. Shotaro,Wonbin and eunseok came as we went inside. There was loud music and many people there,colourful lights were going off everywhere and I was clinging onto Jimins arm.
"Jimin it's so loud here let's sit somewhere else" I said not looking at her. "Sure" a cold voice said. What? That's not Jimin I got scared and quickly let go of the arm. It was eunseok- "chill it's just me keep on holding onto my arm you'll get lost.shotaro told me to take care of you" he said smiling slightly. I didn't think so I held onto his arm.

We went somewhere more quiet and sat down on the couch. "Where's Jimin?" I asked eunseok. "Oh she's with shotaro,probably flirting with each other" he said looking at his phone. "Wanna have a drink? There all non alcoholic don't worry" he said looking at me. "Ah sure" I said. He got up leaving me alone. I went on my phone to pass out the time- I was overwhelmed I wanted eunseok to come as soon as possible. "Hey" a cold voice said which I assumed was eunseok but it wasn't. "God you scared me!who are you?" I asked looking at the boy with blonde hair and unrealistic features. "The name is Ricky" he said. "And you are?" He asked. "Y/n" I said looking down. He put his hand on my thigh and I flinched. "Please leave me alone" I said. "Give me your number" he whispered in my ear." I have a boyfriend" I lied.  where is eunseok?! "Leave her alone!" A voice said and it was eunseok thank god!
"And who are you to say that?" Ricky said getting up.
"I'm her boyfriend you idiot" he said seriously. He really said that..my heart was beating fast!!!
Ricky left as he winked at me.

"are you okay?!" Eunseok asked me worried. "I'm fine thanks to you" I said smiling at him. "Thank god" he said putting his head back on the couch.
He gave me the drink and I drank a little from it. Eunseoks phone rang as he got up to take it, he came back. "Y/n,lets go upstairs. Seunghan told me to come since their playing games upstairs" eunseok said looking at me. "Okay" I said getting up. He put his arm up signaling for me to hold onto it and I did. I don't why he made me so comfortable now like he's looking out for me. Ik when he stared me out I felt uncomfortable but he seems different than I thought.

The whole party thing was so new to me but I tried I wanted to make it as readable as I could😭😭😭
Next chapter will be out soon!

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