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I heard my alarm clock going off and it annoyed me so much. I'm so tireddd! I lazily got up like a zombie walking up to the bathroom. I was now looking at myself wearing the school uniform, this is a new change for me since we didn't have uniforms where we lived. It was kinda cute ngl. I waved my hair and did a little bit of makeup to look presentable atleast.
I got my backpack and went downstairs.
"Aww my cute y/n! You're growing up" my mom said hugging me. I just laughed shyly. Dad had already went to go for work.

I was eating breakfast when the door bell rung. My mom got up to see who it was. "Oh y/n it's shotaro!" He came inside smiling brightly like always. "Would you like anything?" My mom asked him. "No thank you misses Lee" he said smiling. I finished up quickly as we went outside. "Waaa y/n this uniform really suits you" he said. "Ah really? I'm not really used to wearing this" I said looking down. We made our way to the bus stop, the bus came and we went inside. Shotaro was already greeted by what looked like his friends. I didn't wanna bother so I sat down alone.

I was listening to music when I heard a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a girl with the same uniform as me. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She said smiling widely. "Oh no no please sit down" I said smiling. She sat down and man she was so cute. "Ooo seems like we're in the same school! Let me introduce myself! My name is Yang Jimin!" She said. "Nice to meet you, my name is Lee y/n".
"We're friends now!!" She said brightly. I nodded as I didn't except to make friends so easily. She seems like the total opposite of me.

Me and Jimin were talking about things we liked and  I found out she liked shotaro! "I have this small crush on shotaro.." she said looking behind to see shotaro and his friends. She became all shy. "He's my neighbour!" I said laughing. That's so cute! I'm sure I could get them close together I thought to myself. We made it to school still a little early as Jimin showed me around. Wow this place is sure huge.

We were in the hallways as the bell rung meaning our first class started. "What's your first class?" Jimin asked me hoping we'd be in the same class. "Science" I said looking at her. Her whole expression changed from happy to sad. "Nooo I have maths" she said sad. "It's fine we can meet at lunch time" I said cheering her up. We bid goodbyes as I went to my first class. I was welcomed by students here and there. "Ahh there is our new student!" Mr Kim said gesturing for me to come inside. "Class quiet!!!" Mr Kim said as the whole class shut up in a second. "So this is our new classmate! Please introduce yourself" he said. Ah man- I tried to be as confident as I could. "Hello everyone! My name is Lee y/n! I hope we all get along" I said smiling softly. The whole class started clapping.

I was now sitting on my seat waiting for the class to start. The door flung open as I saw a boy out of breath. Seems like he's late I thought to myself. "Ah mr Kim I'm sorry I was late I forgot to catch the bus" he said catching his breath. "Eunseok! You're always late. Just get inside!" Mr Kim said frustrated. Eunseok? That name sounds familiar... ahh that's one of shotaros friends. He came walking up to the same side as me and he sat beside me. We made eye contact but i quickly looked down. Something about him is weirding me out.

I brushed it off as I tried focusing in class. I still felt someone staring into my soul. I got distracted. I looked to see eunseok staring at me sharply. He quickly looked down and stared scribbling on his notebook. Hm weird. The last time I saw him he seemed talkative with shotaro. Have I done something to him? Why is he even staring at me?

Few classes ended and it was finally lunch time!
The hallways were filled with many students, either alone or in friendgroups. I was greeted by Jimin showing her bright smile like always. "Let's have lunch together!" She said giggling. I nodded but at that time I got a text message from shotaro saying to meet him up for lunch. Hm alr! "Hey Jimin follow me your gonna love this!" I said knowing she's gonna be shy when she sees shotaro.
We were walking up to the table where shotaro was I realised a bunch of his friends were there including Eunseok...oh no I thought to myself.

I kept myself calm as Jimin had her arm around mine.its something she does when she's comfortable with people. "Ah there is y/n!!" Shotaro said waving his hands at me. "I brought my friend Jimin!" I said smiling. I could feel her expression change she became more nervous as she didn't except shotaro to be there. We both sat down and started eating and talking to everyone. "So y/n how does it feel to be in a whole different country?" Wonbin asked me curiously. "It's different" I said not trying to talk much cause eunseok was still staring. "Hey pssth you didn't tell me shotaro was here! I'm literally blushinggg" Jimin whispered into my ear. I giggled knowing she'd be shy. "Secondly why is eunseok staring into your soul" Jimin said. Ah she also noticed. I looked up to see him, we made eye contact but he didn't look down he just kept on staring. Fuck this is annoying me.

I got up from my seat. "Where are you going?" Shotaro asked confused. "I don't feel like eating I need to talk to you" I said. Shotaro pointed at himself making sure it was him. We went into the halls. "What's up y/n?" He said leaning next to the wall. "Eunseok is being weird. He keeps on staring at me like I've done something to him" I said seriously. "Huh? Really? Maybe he likes youuu~" shotaro said smirking at me. "No no definitely not just please talk to him about it" I said. He nodded and told me to not worry.

By the end of the day, I came back home and my parents were filled with questions for me.
I was now laying on my bed as there was a ding in our groupchat. Shotaro had made one with me,Jimin,wonbin,seunghan,eunseok and him. (Yes I didn't include all the members sorry)

Losers gc🔥😋
Hey losers! I'm gonna have a
Party at my house this weekend
Since my parents left for a business

Not you and your parties🙄

I'm definitely coming!!

Y/n,jimin and eunseok
You guys HAVE to come


Ooo I'm excited!!

I read the messags and closed my phone why'd eunseok message after I did- whatever. I was in my thoughts until I dozed off~

Shotaros POV~
Y/n had told me how uncomfortable eunseok made her so I decided to give him a call. Ding ding ding..
Eunseok finally picked up his phone. "Hello" he said. "Yo eunseok what's up!" I said making a convo. "I'm great. You coming to the party?" He asked. "Yeah sure I'll come" I said let's just get to the point. "Ah so I called cause Yk my friend y/n felt very uncomfortable when you keep on staring at her." There was a moment of silence. "Oh" eunseok said.
"Yeah so is there a reason?" Shotaro asked. "Uh she stares too" eunseok said defending himself.
At that moment shotaro slapped his head in annoyance. "Alright alright just get along with her will you, and Ik you like her" shotaro said quickly closing the call.

End of the chapterrrr it came out really long😓my hands are gonna break any second but anything for u guys🤭🩷
I hope it wasn't too confusing

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