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"Your a Knowles before your my daughter and I'm extremely proud of you and I know your mom and dad feels the same we are all very proud of you"

"Your all going to say that your my parents"

"We tell you because it's true we saw the fear and the way you over came them just like how Shawn was telling you he's intact with your feelings"

"Okay where are we going now" she asked we were walking around the aircraft while we waited for everyone to get here

"We are vacationing in Marseille then we're going Toronto"

"I want to go sight seeing so your going to cut into mom's time for me"

"How about you do that with amari" I trust her to look after my daughter

"I wanna go with you"

"You gotta take that up with your momma" she sigh sliding down me back

"If your scared to ask just say that Robby"

"Your mother don't scare me ivy"

"Even you don't believe what you just said dad and that's okay" just a little she doesn't gotta know this

"Do you ever wonder what our life would've been like without all of this"

"What do you mean"

"The house's, the cars, luxurys ,private jets do you know we have five of these things?"

"What made you think that"

"Just be observing the things around me I haven't seen inside a train a day in my life"

"I'll take you on one you just pick which city"

"Easy my city new York"

"You just want to chill with those rats but okay"

"And I want to go to a corner store and get my own food"

"Okay whatever you want to do for a whole day in new York we'll do but we won't be able to stay out late BB has a show there and your performing"

"I know that" she then hugged me when we got to the stairs "thank you"


"Being a regular person"

"Girl your regular too"

"Yeah but my mom is beyonce she would have listened and still said no just because people would recognize her"

"And your blue ivy you got fans everywhere"

"I know it's kinda cool being me I guess, oh well nice chat" she took her phone out my pocket going up the stairs

That kid is a special one the sound of the car made me turn away from her when the door opened sir and Rumi got down frowning Chris and Cruz were arguing again which reminded me why blue and I left everyone behind

They don't ever stop

"If you leave me to deal with those two again your not getting any sleep"

"Yes ma'am"

"What was all the hugging about"

"Why you being nosey ma we was just having a moment ,why ruru and sirsir mad at the world"

"They just woke up and those two won't stop bickering"

I understand where they coming from I don't like all that noise when I open my eyes give me an hour to adjust

"That'll explain why you look so tried" I placed my hand on her lower back guiding her up in the jet "your getting sleep on this flight I'll tie up these badass children of ours if I have to"

Here we come Marseille,France

Happy holidays 🤸🏾‍♀️

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