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    Minho, Gally, Newt, Millie, and Teresa all went back to Brenda

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Minho, Gally, Newt, Millie, and Teresa all went back to Brenda. Thalia and Thomas ran into the building.

They had made it into the building and immediately saw Janson shoot Ava. "Oh my god!" Thalia breathed out.

Janson walked towards them with the gun.

"What are you doing Janson?" Thalia asked as he put the gun to her throat.

Thomas quickly pulled Thalia closer to him, wrapping his arms around her protectively. "Touch her and I kill you."

"You shouldn't have pulled that alarm." Janson said and the next thing Thalia knew, she was falling to the floor and her eyes were heavy.


    Thalia woke up tied to a chair, "of course.." she grumbled.

    She looked to her right, seeing Thomas tied to a bed, or was it a chair? Maybe a recliner.. with Teresa next to him.

   "Teresa? Werent you with Millie?" Thalia asks confused.

   Teresa's shaking, "They said they were going to kill her if I didn't.." she pulled out a syringe filled with Thomas' blood.

   Thomas is also awake, looking at Janson.

   "It's a life boat." Janson said, looking out the window. "The whole world might be sinking but.. doesn't mean that we have to go down with it."

   Thalia watched as Jansons eyes lit up from the explosions outside the window.

   Thalia tried to move her body, but was restricted from getting up because of the ties. She groaned, then saw Thomas was also restrained.

   "How much longer?" Janson asked Teresa.

  "Almost done." Teresa muttered.

   "Why don't you just kill me?" Thomas asked Janson.

   "Kill you?" Janson spoke. "We don't wanna do that. We're gonna take special care of you."

   "What about Thalia?" Thomas asked, Janson walked over to her and put a gun against her head.

   "Leverage." Janson shrugged.

   Thomas tried to get out of the restraints again. "Don't you touch her Janson. Don't touch her!"

   "Thomas?" Thalia breathed unsteadily, fear covering her body as the cold surface of the pistol went up against her temple.

    "We'll keep you alive, Thomas. Just.. in return, you will give life to the rest of us." Janson said. "The ones we choose to save anyway."

    Janson grabbed something from Teresa, walking away from Thalia as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

   Janson lifted his sleeve, revealing his bite. "To your-" he was interrupted by a bottle smashing against his head. Teresa took the cure away from him.

   "Okay, let's get out of here." Teresa untied Thomas, then Thomas immediately ran to Thalia, untieing her as they briefly hugged but was interrupted by Janson grabbing Teresa.

   Janson threw Teresa, kicking her in the stomach. "Teresa!" Thalia yelled, running at Janson and grabbing his stomach, leaping them into smashing a window.

    She sat up, reaching for the cure as she tried not to cut herself on the glass. Janson punched her in the face, for which she did the same to him.

(bad bitch era??)

   She pushed him against a wall, but he just punched her again and put her in a headlock.

   "Janson!" Thomas yelled, punching him in the face while Thalia tried to breathe again. She gasped and coughed while sitting on the floor, the fight happening behind her while she looked to see Teresa knocked out on the floor.

   She watched as Janson pushed Thomas to the floor, pulling out his gun. "Okay, that's enough."

   She wanted to do something, anything, but she didn't have the strength or energy after almost dying.

   And then there was an explosion, something knocking everyone to the floor behind them. Thalia coughed again, seeing black spots but blinking them away.

   "Thomas?" She asked, looking around on the floor. Then she was brought up to her feet, Thomas helping her up.

   "Come on we have to hurry," he said, and they started walking away with Teresa. Janson brought up his gun again, aiming.

    "Lia!" Thomas yelled, grabbing her and pushing her with him behind a wall as Janson shot. They ran into a room, blue actually, it reminded her of that compound back when WICKED captured them for the first time.

   "We need to get out of he-.." Thalia said as she recognized the room, then turned to see Thomas gripping his stomach and blood on his fingers.

   "Oh my god," Thalia breathed out.

   "I'm going to go tell Brenda and the others to prepare medical supplies. You two find a way out, and be safe." Teresa said and Thalia nodded. Teresa left the building, leaving Janson, Thalia and Thomas left in it.

    "Thomas?" Thalia asked as she noticed him wobbling slightly. "Thomas!" She ran forward, catching him before he fell and he went behind a table.

   He lifted his shirt, the bullet hole revealed. "Shit.." Thomas grunted.

   "It's gonna be okay, Thomas it's gonna be okay.." she muttered. "When we leave they are gonna have supplies.. and everything will be fine, we'll be at the safe haven."

   "You gotta go." Thomas said to her.

   "What? No I'm not leaving you!" Thalia quickly countered, putting pressure on his wound.

   "You gotta go, Lia." Thomas said sternly.

   "No, not without you." Thalia muttered.

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FORGE OF OAK, Thomas ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora