Obsessed over you

Start from the beginning

Madara observed with restless impatience as the red barrier came to life, Hashirama even went as far as creating openings to allow the common shinobi through in an attempt to defeat the Ten Tails. But the boiling frustration that seemed to sting his eyes was not his anger at the Hokage's advancement towards the Ten Tails, but rather...

Look at me Hashirama! Madara's thoughts were almost screamed aloud with distress, but he held himself in and tried to bury his emotions deep inside his heart, like every time. As always, you really don't think of me much do you?

As I admire and respect your strength, you don't care enough to even turn around and look at me?

Madara's grip tightened around Gunbai, and his knuckles were sure to have turned white from such strength.

Wood style is no longer your speciality, you are no longer the only competent shinobi, Hashirama, you're nothing! You're not special, so stop acting so...!

Madara was never the type to put more thought into emotions before acting out upon them, and so, unable to keep his chaotic and emotional thoughts within, he suddenly dashed towards Hashirama!

Hashirama had been paying attention and keeping track of Madara's chakra the whole time, and without weaving signs, he creates a wood clone in an attempt to stifle Madara's need for a battle whilst he tries to focus on the main issue.

But Madara does not even bother raising his weapon against the shadow clone, and evades it, purple eyes set on the original, and nothing else could stray him from his path.

Hashirama watches him approach faster and summons his clone back to where he was, in that split second, he swapped places with the clone and back stepped just as Madara attempts to grab him.

So you're trying to avoid me again, are you?

Madara feels an emotionless smile reach his face, one that did not contain any amusement of enjoyment as he chased Hashirama away from the formation and crowded mess.

The Senju quickly feels a frown reach his face, but despite the confusion, he felt that it really was best if Madara didn't grab hold of him.

Madara suddenly increases in speed, startling Hashirama into backing off equally as quickly.

Then, Hashirama makes the first move, clasping his hands together he commands two pieces of wood to fly towards Madara, rather to hurt, it was to catch hold of him this time.

But to Hashirama's surprise, Madara absorbs the jutsu using this new eye prowess he'd never seen before and tosses Gunbai and kama on the ground, taking this Senju's moment of carelessness to stride forwards and yank his wrist, closing in with a slight smile as he observes Hashirama's startlement.

"I've finally caught you, Hashirama." Madara whispers, smile quickly fading away as he tightens his grip further to make sure Hashirama would not break away easily.

"What do you want from me, Madara?" Hashirama demands, his expression just as stubborn as he'd remembered it always being, making it all the more bitter to re-experience.

"Don't struggle, Hashirama. I just want to talk." Madara confesses with sincerity, glancing into Hashirama's warm black eyes with bitter quietness.

"Say, did you really not feel anything when you stabbed me through the back? When you killed me?" Madara asks, a forced smile plastered onto his 'patiently' waiting face.

He watches as Hashirama's expression instantly twists, eyes full of hurt as he quickly looks away at the ground, the burning sensation from his wrist eventually numbed in less than a minute.

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