While we where talking i noticed Amy coming and decided to hug her. "Are you guys daiting?" Amon asked where i just answerd "no. But in Front of my father we are". Amon looked at me confused but decided not to question anything for what im really greatfull he didn't.

Amon's POV:

OK i have to admit that the boy is cute with his golden eyes and blond hair.... but its weird that a human has golden eyes. Is he an Angel? Hopefully not! I kinda like him.... " hello my name is Amy and you are?" Said that pink haird girl who i thought was Sariel's girlfrend. "Hello, im Amon" i said while reatching out for a hand shake. She smiled at me and we shok our hands. "Wanna come with us? We are new to the City and we want to explore it a bit more" Sariel said with a cute smile on his face getting both of Amy's and mine attention."Yeah sure" i said giving him a smile too while looking into his golden eyes... he can't be human. I have never seen someone with this kind of hypnotizing eyes. He even has silver hair with blond in it.. the blond almost like gold. I was watching him untill this girl Amy asked "why are you watching Sariel?" looking at me. "He looks cute" i said with a smile while watching his every move. "Oh.... yeah he really is cute... i would even date him if girls werent a thing" she said with sad eyes but still smiles. "Oh yeah i get you. You are pretty cute too! But compared to Sariel you're-" i wanted to say but got interruped by Sariel who was Holding my arm and draging me to a library... why a library! I thought to myself, but i didnt rip my arm free from his grip. I didn't want to do that because he looked so excited to go inside so i just let him do that. Even tho i normally would never let anyone do this to me... but something about him makes me wanna do everything to make him happy.

We went inside while Amy said that she is going to buy the dinner i think. I was alone with Sariel. He was still holding my arm while he was searching for a book to read. I was just looking at some books that could be intresting but then Sariel asked" do you have any idea what i could read?"
While looking at me. I just looked at him and told him "im not a big reader. But i would recomand a BL Story for you" knowing that he knows what BL means. "What is a BL Story? I have never heard of that" he asked completly surprising me. "You dont know what a BL story is?" I asked him in disbelive. "Yeah i have never heard of it before" he told me. Ok this Was unexpected but i told him"BL is the short version of Boys Love" he looked at me im shock. "So it is about the gay people?" He asked me still in shock. I just nodded, where he then asked " Ok wich one should i read then?"with a redish face completly surprising me again. I just Held his hand and pulled him outside. " what are you doing? I thought you wanted to give me a BL to read?" He asked almost yelling. " the comic i wanna give you is at my house so we have to wait for Amy and then i can give all of the comics to you" i said calm "and you have to hold my hand why?" He asked with red cheeks. cute. "Because you held my arm and draged me to the library" i said while looking him in the eyes. "If you were botherd by it then you could just say so" he said while looking mad. BUT with red ceeks! "because i thought that it was cute, so i let you" i said with a laughter because while i said that Sariel turnt into a tomato. "Ok wanna wait for Amy and then go to my house?"i asked while Sariel calmed down again. "Yes we can" he said nervously

After what felt like 1 hour of waiting Amy finnaly came out with what? 4 bags? And this was a grocery store so why so much! I only saw girls do that with make up or clothes! "SARIEL LOOK WHAT I GOT FOR DINNER!" she yelled acros the Street. WTF IS WONG WITH HER!? "Sorry for Amy... she loves food more than anything " Sariel said embarresed. "Its alright " i said while still wondering why she is like that. Amy came to us and then we went to my house. 10 minutes later we where standing infront of my door and i unlocked the door and went in. "Cool, this is near where we live" Amy said suprised, and i kinda was too "oh really?" I asked, where Sariel then said "Yeah, i mean our home comes after those 2 houses" while showing to his left. "OH! Then i can visit you guys then. And you guys can go in" i said while holding the door open. "Oh, right... thank you" Sariel said but.... why did he sound so nervous?

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