"I can't fix this."

Start from the beginning

"Oh, trust me, Takechi. You are exactly the right person to take over Black Dragon, and I mean that with everything in me," the Hell's Angel and former commander of Black Dragon grinned to her friend with all of the reassurance in the world before holding his hand up a little more.

The slight gleam of his bracelet caught her eye as she looked down to see it securely clasped around his wrist. That was able to calm her own nerves down a little bit. And she truly did mean that when she said that he was perfect for this sort of thing, bringing back the good and the great of Black Dragon. He had the same morals as Shinichiro did, and that was enough for her to say that he was right for the job.

Still, even though Takemichi had her full support and he was beginning to feel better about coming up with a plan in order to take on Tenjiku, the crybaby hero was still very much worried about (Y/N). This had to have been hard for her considering she had to deal with a close friend of hers coming after her gang not to mention having Mucho betraying her and Mikey on top of all of that. He couldn't even imagine how much this was for her and how much it had to have been weighing on her.

But if he had learned one thing about Japan's Hell's Angel over the course of time he had known her, it was that she did a very good job at keeping herself together until she could go deal with it by herself. And he didn't want her to deal with it by herself. Not when he knew there could be a chance he could help her.

The blonde boy soon maneuvered his hand a little bit where his now slightly longer fingers began intertwining with (Y/N)'s unbandaged hand, which sort of caught her attention as she felt him squeeze her fingers and hand a little bit with his. She then looked up as her eyes met Takemichi's dark blue ones.

"Are you going to be alright with all of this happening?" He finally asked her.

Yep, she was waiting for him to ask that as she closed her (e/c) gems for a second. Like she had told him, he had become really good at reading her cues whenever she wanted to keeping something to herself. And it had been a lot for her to learn about and take in over the past few hours. Not to mention her anxiety had been kind of heightened due to the fact that she had no idea where her friends had been taken by Mucho.

However, despite all of that, (Y/N) knew she had to hold it together for the sake of everyone that this involved. And it was a lot. So, while she wasn't completely okay at the moment, the Hell's Angel knew she could say one thing in order to hopefully put her friend at ease. With a smile coming to her face, the dual color haired girl returned Takemichi's gesture of squeezing her hand with a squeeze of her own as she met his eyes once again.

"I will be," she answered.

If she could stop this whole thing and make sure Kisaki was out of the picture for good, that was when she'd be a hundred percent alright. But for now, she didn't want to lie and say she was alright. But she also didn't want to say something that would add another thing on top of the crybaby hero's already long list of things he had to be worried about.

Even if he didn't want to bring himself to completely believe her, Takemichi knew that was going to be the best he was going to get out of her for now. He knew he wouldn't be able to argue because...well...it was (Y/N). All he could do was just believe her and nod, not saying anything else. The two just kind of stayed quiet while holding each other's hands before they looked at one another once again.

So many emotions were swirling around in each of their eyes, so all the Hell's Angel could do in order to soothe the crybaby hero in front of her was to wrap her arms around his shoulders as he quickly returned her embrace by securely embracing her by the torso, putting one of his hands on the back of one of her shoulders.

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