"Be safe."

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Third POV

With the whole drama at the hospital all said and done, and (Y/N) being cleared of all of her injuries that she had sustained, the three top dogs of Toman exited the the building with Takemichi still trailing behind them.

The younger blonde watched as the three individuals stood near the street, the sound of a motorcycle drawing closer and closer. Looking towards the source of the sound, Takemichi saw the lilac haired second division captain pull up beside the trio as the sole female waved at the approaching boy.

"Can you get Pah to come tomorrow?" Draken asked Mitsuya as Mikey climbed on the back of the lilac haired boy's bike.

"Yeah. I'll have Peh go, too. The warehouse by the Second MS work for you?" He asked the vice commander.


Takemichi continued watching on and listening to the conversation. This internal conflict where Draken would die was going to happen, and he had to put a stop to it. The boy had to gather every little bit of information that he could in order to change the future. Plus, something was telling him that this conflict would end up effecting (Y/N) and her future decisions as well.

He made a promise to Akkun, and Takemichi Hanagaki was damn sure going to keep it.

With Mitsuya nodding in confirmation, the second division captain looked to the dual haired girl with a small smile on his face.

"You still coming over for dinner tonight?"

Ah! She almost forgot about that. With everything going on with Moebius, (Y/N) had almost overlooked the fact that she had promised Mitsuya and his sisters that she'd be over to have a meal with them at some point this week, to which this day had been the best for all of them.

Despite the feelings she had been having beforehand with Pah's friend's girlfriend, the girl was still able to let out a happy smile.

"Yeah! For sure!"

"Aw, that's not fair, Chi-chin...." Mikey whined from his seat behind Mitsuya.

Both (Y/N) and Mitsuya both let out a sigh as Draken shook his head. The commander had just had dinner at her place the night before and lunch that afternoon. It was safe to say that it was more than fair.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mikey," she patted the boy's head, somewhat ignoring his little comment.

That seemed to calm the pouty boy down as Mitsuya revved up his bike before taking off to bring the commander home, (Y/N) waving as Mikey did the same. Watching the two disappear in the distance, Takemichi now had to come up with a game plan on how he was going to stop this war.

However, the younger blonde didn't realize that he had been out in the open from his hiding spot a little too long, being caught up in his thoughts and all. Turning back towards her tall friend, (Y/N) noticed Draken looking back at one of the pillars by the hospital doors, almost like he was inspecting it.

"What's wrong, Ken?" The girl asked as she looked back and forth between the pillar and the boy before her, seeing if she could find anything out of the ordinary.

After a few seconds, the braided blonde shook his head, shaking off the feeling of them being watched.

"Nah, it's nothing. Come on, I'll walk you home," he assured her before grabbing the Hell's Angel's hand, lightly tugging her along.

"Okay, whatever you say," she joked as the two walked hand in hand down the street.

Seeing them leave, Takemichi finally came out of his hiding place, but kept his distance since he figured that Draken would be suspicious. The time traveler just couldn't accept that fact that him and Mikey would fight each other, he had witnessed how their friendship really was just moments before hand. And the fact that (Y/N) was so dear to them both, surely they wouldn't even think of putting her through all of that.

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